The programme has 32 credits and will be offered in two semesters across one year.1st semester will have 14 credits and 2nd semester will have 18 credits. One credit is equal to 30 hours of study. The programme will have five courses each, in both first and second semesters, with one assignment for each course. In addition, there will be a project work in the second semester.
It is mandatory to complete all the ten courses + ten assignments + project work during the course period, in order to qualify for the award of the certificate.
AEM 101: Introduction to Agricultural Extension Management (4 credits)
AEM 102: Communication of Agricultural Innovations (3 Credits)
AEM 103: Principles and Practices of Extension Management (3 credits)
AEM 104: Participatory Approaches in Agricultural Extension (2 Credits)
AEM 105: Research Methods in Agricultural Extension (2 Credits)
AEM 201 : Market led Extension (4 Credits)
AEM 202 : Agri-Business and Entrepreneurship Development (3 Credits)
AEM 203 : Project Management in Agricultural Extension (2 Credits)
AEM 204 : Information and Communication Technologies in Agriculture (3 Credits)
AEM 205 : Sustainable Livelihood in Agriculture
AEM 206 : Project work (3 Credits)
The candidates can go through the course-wise study material, video lectures and quizzes, available online for self-learning. The candidates may refer User Manual to know the details of how to take the online course.
Medium of instruction: English