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Extension Digest - 1995

1995, Theme: Training for Agricultural Development, vol.3(1)


Considering the potential function of training in agricultural development, this issue of the Digest focuses on the manner in which the training infrastructure must meet emerging challenges, the need for management training to help the human capital cope more effectively with change, importance of participatory training in building development workers committed to empowerment of the poor, importance of training farmers and highlights the emerging technologies in training.

1995, Theme: Participatory Watershed Management, vol. 3(2), 1995


Apart from the pressure of the growing population on natural resources,breakdown of traditional research management systems,reluctance to include farmers’ knowledge in research, and over exploitation of natural resources are also exerting pressure leading to natural resource degradation.

Environmental and ecological rehabilitation is possible only when the concerned people see a reason for it and are fully involved in all aspects of resource management and conservation.Farmers’ participation is crucial to success or failure of conservation projects.Hence soil and water conservation must give importance to local knowledge and skills and reinforce local organizations through participatory processes.

This issue of the Extension Digest focuses on the importance of participation in watershed management,and documents case studies where participation has led to success in watershed development projects.

1995, Theme: Farmer Participatory research, Vol. 3(3), 1995


There is increasing acceptance that farmers should be involved in technology development and transfer resulting in new approaches where farmer participation in research and extension is receiving increasing attention.Participatory approaches aim at integrating farmers’ ideas and opinions in technology generation and transfer.These approaches range from support for farmers experimentation to participation of farmers in research and development programmes.

The current "Digest" focuses on the importance of farmer participation in research and extension ,impact of farmers organizations,and documents framer participatory projects in India and other countries.

Nov 1996, Theme: Farmers' Organisations, Vol. 3(5&6)


Use participation is critical for innovative,relevant and efficient technology development.There is ample evidence that group rather than individual participation is more effective in promoting demand driven research.Experiences emphasize the need to organize farmers to enable them to exert pressure on research and extension to make technology more need based.

Working with farmers’ organizations also facilitates dissemination of agriculture technologies and provision of agriculture support services to a broader constituency.A strong farmers organization can strengthen farmers capacity for indigenous agriculture development,influence agricultural policy and make agriculture researches and extension workers more accountable to their needs.

The current issue of the digest focuses on farmers’ organizations,their role in technology development and transfer,conditions influencing their effectiveness and documents case studies of farmers organizations in India and other countries.

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