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Journal of Agricultural Extension Management

Vol. XXV January - June , 2024 No: 1 | Click here for full articles

  1. Determination of the Policy Interventions to be Adopted to Enhance Youth Participation in Agriculture in Kajiado North Sub-County, Kenya - Lucy Karega Njeru, PhD
  2. Regulatory Issues of Farmers Producers Companies in India - Shridevi V, K C Gummagolmath, Sachin V R, and Bammidi Ujjwala
  3. Assessment of Edu-Communication Strategies in Agricultural Extension Services Delivery on Adoption of Improved Sesame Production Practices in Niger State, Nigeria - M. Ibrahim
  4. Acceptability of PGDAEM Distance Program Among Extension professionals in India - Ms.S.L.Kameswari, Dr.Veenita Kumari and Ragini Modi
  5. Decoding the Implementation of ICT Interventions in Agriculture: A Study Among Officials from Selected Developing Nations - Divyata Joshi, B. Shilpa, B. Gopichand, Manisha Ohlan and Mahantesh Shirur
  6. DAESI Facilitator’s Opinion on Input Dealers as Para-extension Agents: A Q-sort Method - Balusu Gopichand, Mahantesh Shirur, Naveenkumar G and Divyata Joshi
  7. Differential Adoption of Climate Smart Agriculture: Interventions in Odisha - Usha Das, M A Ansari, Souvik Ghosh
  8. Electronic Negotiable Warehouse Receipt (eNWR) A Tool to Promote Liquidity in Rural Area - Kanchan Bhagwat, Sangamesh Angadi, Akshita Vashisth and Shalendra
  9. Implementation of National Agricultural Market (eNAM) A Successful Case of APMC Nizamabad (Telangana) - Sangamesh Angadi, Madhulatha C and Shalendra
  10. Gender inequality in Agriculture and Food systems: An Indian Evidence Study - Satyabrata Mohanty, Veenita Kumari, Ruchi Singh

Vol. XXIV July - December , 2023 No: 2 | Click here for full articles

  1. Nature and Spatial Typology of Urban Agriculture in Southern Corporations of Kerala in India - Archana T Shaji and G. S Sreedaya
  2. Exploring Urban Agriculture’s Impact on Ecosystem Services and Beneficiary Characteristics - G. S. Sreedaya, R. Ajith Kumar, Archana T Shaji and Riza Mathew
  3. Nutrient Management in Hydroponic Systems for Urban and Peri-Urban Agriculture - A. B. Jadhav
  4. Global Innovations in City Gardening for Food and Nutritional Security - R. Vasantha
  5. A Critical Review of Vermi-Composting in Urban and Peri-Urban Waste Management Apropos Robust Environment - Jayashree Dey Sarkar, Amrita Kumar Sarkar and Sudhanand Prasad Lal
  6. Urban and Peri-Urban Agriculture Practices in Different Countries: A Systematic Literature Review - Kaveya Pugazhendhi, Aisha Hameed and Paul Mansingh J
  7. Challenges of Food Security and Increasing Urbanization: Reliance on Peri-Urban Agriculture (PUA) - Kute K. G and Mohammedi Begum
  8. A Review on Utilization of Domestic Waste in Rooftop Vegetable Gardening - Niraj Kumar Prajapati
  9. A Case Study on the Application of Hydroponics in Floriculture Sector - Oendrilla Chakraborty, Dipayan Sarkar and Pratyay Kundu
  10. Urban and Peri-Urban Farming: Some Insights from a Developed Nation - Samrat Sikdar

Vol. XXIV January - June , 2023 No: 1 | Click here for full articles

  1. Study on Impact of Mann Ki Baat Programme on Organic and Natural Farming - N. Balasubramani, P.Chandra Shekara, Samuel Praveen Kumar, C. Sreelakshmi and S.K. Jamanal
  2. Agriculture Sector During COVID Pandemic: Role of Modern Technologies and Digital Platforms for Survival and Sustainability in the Uncertain Situations - Shahaji Phand, Sagar Deshmukh and Muhammed Suhail TC
  3. Climate Smart Agriculture Interventions : Lessons Learned and Implications for Future - Anupam Anand and Pratiksha Singh
  4. Financial Independence of Rural Youth through Skill Development – A Case of STRY - Shalendra, Sangamesh Angadi and Mehrunissa Begum
  5. Case Studies on Agri-Startups in India: Inspiration from Mann Ki Baat, Innovations and Impact - Saravanan Raj, Yuvaraju Atmakuri, Amit R. Kale, Praveen H.J, Saurabh Kumar and Anju Abraham
  6. Response of Pigeonpea to Zinc Sulphate and Potassium under Rainfed Conditions in Western Mandals of Chittoor District - Sahaja Deva, M. Mallikarjun, Prasanna Lakshmi Ravuri and MK Jyosthna
  7. Effectiveness of Mobile Application-based Agromet Advisory Service: Case Study in Telangana, India - Arun Bhagat, Madhav Gholkar, Yogesh Shinde, Nitin Kumbhar and Prithviraj Gaikwad
  8. Internal Displacement of Farmers and Food Losses in Benue State, Nigeria - Uza Dooshima, Alamveabee Effraim Idyorough, Confort Ugbem and Solomon Nwafor Chimela
  9. Review on Wheat Straw as Agricultural Waste to Wealth: A Way of Sustainable Micro Entrepreneurship - Neha Agarwal and Madhulika Gautam
  10. Promoting Women Entrepreneurship in India: Challenges, Initiatives and Strategies - Saravanan Raj and Garlapati Sai Sree

Vol. XXIII July - December , 2022 No: 2 | Click here for full articles

  1. Construction of Knowledge Test to Measure the Knowledge Level of Farmers about Digital Technologies - Manisha Ohlan and Manju Dahiya
  2. Plight of Dryland Farmers Amidst COVID Pandemic: A Rapid Assessment in Crisis Time - Praveen Rapaka, G. Bhaskar and B. Uday Kiran
  3. Need for Capacity Building of Farmers in Sarchi Village of Tirthan Valley of Himachal Pradesh - Hitul Awasthi and Pooja Thakur
  4. Digital Agricultural Services: The Future of Indian Farming - G. Bhaskar
  5. Suicide of Farmers and Farm Workers Amid COVID-19 in India - Raghavendra RH, Anil Kumar R and Shakunthala H
  6. Doubling Farmers Income in India-Possibilities and Challenges - N. Sujatha
  7. Carbon Markets and Financial Mechanism for Sustainable Agriculture - Towards Net Zero Emissions - Venkatachalam Anbumozhi, N Balasubramani and Vincent A
  8. An Analysis of Agri-Ventures under Agri-Clinics and Agri Business Centres (AC&ABC) Scheme in Uttar Pradesh State of India - K. Sai Maheshwari, Hafis Mohammed, Shahaji Phand and Priyanka Patra
  9. Using ICT and Social Media as Feedback Mechanism for Central Schemes by Beneficiaries - Kanchan Bhagwat, Manisha Ohlan and Mahantesh Shirur
  10. One Health Approach: Researchable Areas for Stakeholders - Shamali Phand, Veenita Kumari and Shahaji Phand
  11. ‘CHURPOON’ an Indigenous and Sustainable Water Management System in Cold Arid Ladakh - Parveen Kumar, Sonam Angchuk and D. Namgyal
  12. A Study on Climate Resilient Rice Varieties on Productivity Enhancement under Direct Sown Rainfed Ecosystem - P. Arunachalam and T. Ragavan
  13. Profile Characteristics of Agri Input Dealers in Telangana State - B. Rajitha, Bharat S. Sontakki, M. Jagan Mohan Reddy and G.E.CH Vidya Sagar
  14. Foxtail Millet as an alternative to Groundnut under Rainfed conditions - Sahaja Deva, R.Prasanna Lakshmi and MK Jyosthna

Vol. XXIII January - June , 2022 No: 1 | Click here for full articles

  1. Need a Market Facing Institutional Leadership for Growth of FPOs - Ravishankar Natarajan
  2. Farmer Producer Organization: A Potent Tool for Paradigm Shift in farm sector- Shiwani Bhadwal, Rajesh Kumar Thakur and Virender Kumar
  3. Farmer Producer Organization - Boon for Farming Community - A. H. Lade, R. D. Ahire and A. S. Lad
  4. Extension Strategies as tools of Competitiveness for FPOs: An Analytical Study - Hema Yadav, Manisha Paliwal and Sagar Wadkar
  5. Linking Millet Farmer Producer Organizations to Market through Millet Startups - Sangappa, Manjuprakash, Rohit Dholi, B. Laxmi and Suvra Pattanaik
  6. Socio-Economic Impact of Farmer Producer Company on its Members - Chhakuli Shelake, M. K. Rathod and Pradnyesh Deore
  7. Management of Farmer Producer Companies (FPCs) - Issues and Challenges - A. Naga Durga Rao, S. B. Ramya Lakshmi and Ashwini Darekar
  8. Impact of Farmers Producer Company on Members - P. P. Wankhade, M. K. Rathod, B. N.Uikey, R. S. Waghmare and Harsha Mendhe
  9. Challenges and Opportunities in Promoting Sustainable Organic Farming in India through policy and Technical Interventions at FPO level - A case study from Haryana - Sunila Kumari, Poonam Kashyap and N. Ravisankar
  10. Constraints Faced by Officials of Livestock based Self-help Group Promoting Institutes in Punjab - Akshita Chadda, Y. S. Jadoun, Jaswinder Singh and S K Kansal
  11. Challenges Faced by Farmer Producer Organizations (FPOs) - A Review - D. A. Nithya Shree and P. Vaishnavi
  12. Challenges and Suggestions on Effective Functioning of Farmer Producer Companies by its Members in Shivamogga Dstrict of Karnataka - B. M. Dharmaraj, Basavaraj Beerannavar, C. Kavyashree and A. T. Krishnamurthy
  13. Analysis of Performance of Farmer Producer Organization in Kalaburagi District of Karnataka - Pooja, H.K. Pankaja and B. Krishnamurthy
  14. Applications and Challenges of Block Chain Technology in Agriculture Sector : A Review - Sagar Deshmukh and Sharvari Patil
  15. Contract Farming and Strategies to Link with Farmer Producer Organizations (FPOs) - Deepak Chand Meena, Akshita Chadda, C. Madhu Latha and B.N. Priyanka
  16. Theory and Practice of Farmer Producer Organizations in sub-National Government of Nepal: A case of Belauri Municipality - M. Jaishi, R. Chaudhary, R. Gurung, S. R. Joshi and P. L. Chaudhary
  17. Evaluation of Performance of Farmer Producer Organizations (FPOs) in Medak District of Telangana State - C. D. Amitha, B. Savitha, V. Sudha Rani and P. Laxminarayana
  18. Group Performance of Tribal FIGs in Erode District of Tamil Nadu - V. Mathuabirami and S. Kalaivani
  19. Economic Impact of Farmer Producer Company on its Members - Pradnyesh Deore, M. K. Rathod and Chhakuli Shelake
  20. A Study on Management Effectiveness of Farmer Producer Organizations in North-Eastern Karnataka - Shweta Karadipatil, D.M. Chandargi and S. B. Goudappa
  21. Rishiwat Farmers Producer Company Ltd: Empowering Small and Marginal Farmers - SK Deshmukh
  22. Case study on a Farmer Producer Organization: Bhangar Vegetable Producer Company Limited - Prasenji Kundu, Sarba Swarup Ghosh and Narayan Chandra Sahu
  23. Economic Aspects of Mangrol Groundnut Producer Company Ltd. Deployment of Groundnut Growers towards the Formation of FPO in Mangrol Taluka of Junagadh District - Pooja Panchani and Uday Birari

Vol. XXII July - December, 2021 No: 2 | Click here for full articles

  1. Innovations in Agricultural Libraries and Information Management - Raj Kumar Singh
  2. Library Web Portals in Knowledge Management at UASB - A Case Study - K. Venkataranga Naika, D. M. Suneel, B. M. Puneeth, N. Kavya, Pooja and B. L. Gurumurthy
  3. Newspaper Reading Habits at University of Agricultural Sciences (UAS) Bangalore - A Case Study - B. M. Puneeth, K.Venkataranga Naika, N. Kavya, M. Papegowda and M. R. Reshma
  4. ICT Tools for Building Agricultural Knowledge and Information Systems - Aman Kumar Yadav and Reena Yadav
  5. A Study on the Growth and Development Agricultural Library of Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare in India - Kimi
  6. Mobile Applications in Agriculture: An Overview - Parashuram Kambale, Vikas Chowhan, Rakesh Bhattad and S. Ragunath
  7. Institutional Repositories and their Role in Knowledge Management: A Study of PAU Repository - Sanjeev Kumar
  8. Effectiveness of Agricultural Knowledge Disseminated on Social Media - G. P. Sandeep, P. Prashanth, M. Sreenivasulu and A. Madhavilata
  9. Importance of Social Media in Agricultural Outreach Activities - Mayur Verma and Yogesh Sharma
  10. E-Extension / E-Agriculture and Role of Library and Information Centers - Manoj Kumar
  11. Use of Social Media for Marketing of Agricultural Products Among Agricultural Producers in Lakhimpur District in Assam: A Study - Anjuma Saikia, Deepika Kumari and Ranjeet Kumar Choudhary
  12. Use of Social Media in Agricultural Outreach Activities: A Study at CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar - Bhanu Partap and Manju
  13. Need for Internet of Things in Agriculture for Smart Farming - L. S. R. C. V. Ramesh, A. Krishna Murthy and A. V. S. S. Naga Raju
  14. Use of Digital Information Resources in S. V. Agriculture College, Tirupati: A User Study - E. Sudhakar and A. Krishna Murthy
  15. Webometric Analysis of Websites of Digital Repositories of Agricultural Sciences in Asia on Global Scale - Sanjib Ghosh and Bijan Kumar Roy
  16. AgroNet: A Decentralized Platform for Collaborative Community-Driven Consultancy for Farmers and Agro Vendors - Sayanton Mondal, Zack Agar, Raj Ray, Sreetam Ganguly, Rubi Bhowmick and Rithwick Sethi
  17. Role of Knowledge Management Methods in Agriculture - Need and Approaches - A. Krishna Murthy, L. S. R. C. V. Ramesh and A. V. S. S. Naga Raju
  18. Agricultural Knowledge Management Initiatives by ICAR: An Overview - V.R. Aparna
  19. LIBRARY 4.0: Application of Augmented Reality in Agricultural Libraries - B. Ravivenkat
  20. ICTs Supported Agricultural Extension Services: A Study on Information Access for Farmers in Barnala District of Punjab - Suryendra Singh, P. S. Tanwar and Anjuly Sharma
  21. KrishiGrow: An Expert System Based Macro and Micronutrient Visualization System for Smart Crop Management - Sayanton Mondal, Debarshi Roy, Sreetam Ganguly, Rubi Bhowmick, Rithwick Sethi, Santanu Banerjee and Debamita Sutar
  22. Digitalization of Agriculture- The Future of Indian Agriculture - Amitosh Kumar, Anshuman Kumar and M.R. Vineeth
  23. Green Library Services in the Libraries of Agriculture Universities - Deepak Kumar Namdeo and Rakesh Khare
  24. Importance of User Studies for Information Retrieval: A Case Study of Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat - Nitumika Gogoi and Uma Kanjilal
  25. Role of Agricultural Libraries in Digital Environment - M. Trinath and B. Niranjan
  26. Implementation of Internet of Things (IoT) in Libraries: Challenges and Opportunities - Gohil Prakashsinh
  27. Library Resources and Services in Agricultural Universities in India - P . Mohanathan and G. Krishnasamy
  28. Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council Marching Towards Digital Bangladesh - Susmita Das
  29. Pathways to Opening Access to Agricultural Research Knowledge in India - Sridhar Gutam and Srinivasacharyulu Attaluri

Vol. XXII January - June, 2021 No: 1 | Click here for full articles

  1. Application of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in Agriculture Value Chains in India - K.C. Gummagolmath, Ashwini Darekar and M. Preethi
  2. Upscaling Potential Sustainable Agricultural Practices as Carbon Sequestration and GHG Emission Reduction options - A. Vincent and N. Balasubramani
  3. Is Pest Management getting enough attention in the District Agricultural Development Plan? - Mahantesh Shirur, G. Naveen Kumar and P. Chandra Shekara
  4. Analysis of constraints faced by State Agricultural Management and Extension Training Institutes (SAMETIs): An empirical study- G. Jaya and G. Dileep Kumar
  5. Assessment of International training program on ICT applications in Agricultural Extension for officials from Africa and Asia - M. Ohlan, M. Shirur and B.M. Dharmaraj
  6. Developing Local Food System in India - A Case of Rythu Bazars in Telangana - Shalendra and K.N. Ravi Kumar
  7. Role of MANAGE FPO Academy in the Formation and Implementation of FPOs in India - K.C. Gummagolmath and S.B. Ramya Lakshmi
  8. ZYNGBADPA' an Effective Communication Tool in Cold Arid Ladakh - Parveen Kumar, Kunzang Lamo, F.D. Sheikh, D. Namgyal and Sonam Angchuk
  9. FPO Ecosystem in India: Overview of Policy and Supporting Initiatives across States - R.M. Prasad
  10. Restraints and Propositions for Vegetable production in Ranga Reddy district of Telangana - V.V.S.S. Anusha and S.R. Padma

Vol. XXI July - December , 2020 No: 2 | Click here for full articles

  1. Transfer of Early Maturing Sorghum Technologies through Participatory Evaluation in Eastern Amhara Region, Ethiopia - Negussie Siyum, Abere Haile, Mekonenn Assefa and Mesfin Bahta
  2. Zero-Grazing Practices and its Level of Adoption by the Livestock Owners of Ethiopia - Nigsti Debas, Sisay Yehuala and Yenesew Sewnet
  3. A Study of Analysis of Social Benefits of Agriclinics & Agribusiness Centres (AC&ABC) Scheme - P. Chandrashekara and P. Kanaka Durga
  4. Factors Influencing the Return Migration of Rural Youths in South India - Parameswaranaik J, Sujeet Kumar Jha and Manjunatha G.R
  5. Extent of Participation of Rural Youth in Farm Operations and Management Activities in Dimapur District of Nagaland - Marina and S.Borua
  6. Marvels of Ground Water Sharing - A Case Study of Farmers of Kummaravandlapally Village in Anathapur District of Andhra Pradesh - B. Renuka Rani, Bhagyalakshmi and Bakka Reddy
  7. Relational Analysis of Selected Entrepreneurial Characteristics of Oil Palm Growers with the Level of Adoption - Neelaveni, S, Venkatarao P and Prasad M.V
  8. Perceptions of Farmers on Resilience to Stress: A Study in Rajasthan - G. Jaya , K.C. Gummagolmath, Shahaji Phand and G. Dileep Kumar
  9. Impact of KVK Training on Knowledge and Adoption Levels of Soybean Growers in Maharashtra State - S. K. Deshmukh and G. Tamilselvi
  10. Transportation in Agriculture: A Case of Kisan Rath App - Shalendra, Ravi Kumar, K.C. Gummagolmath and Sangamesh Angadi
  11. Training Need Analysis of Faculty Members of SAMETIs - G. Jaya and Dileep Kumar. G

Vol. XXI January - June , 2020 No: 1 (Abstracts) | Click here for full articles

  1. Determinants of rural youth unemployment in Northwest Ethiopia / Yitateku Adugna Agemas and Beneberu Assefa Wondimagegnhu
  2. Influence of Selected Factors on Participation of Rural Youth in Agriculture in Balaka District, Malawi / Alfred D. B. Tsitsi, Justus M. Ombati and Stephen W. Maina
  3. Assessment of Farmers' Attitude and Experience on Indigenous Agroforestry Practices in Ethiopia: The Case of Dibate District, Benishangul Gumuz Regional State / Bilisuma Hailu Kuma
  4. Hybrid Rice Seed Production in Khammam district of Telangana State: A Critical Analysis / M. Venkataramulu, J. Hemantha Kumar and Venu Prasad H D
  5. Significance of Agro Textiles in Crop Production / Prerna Kapila and B S Dhillon
  6. Strategies for Promoting Farmer Producer Organisations (FPOs) in India / G. Jaya, S.B. Ramya Lakshmi, K.C. Gummagolmath and R.S. Bhawar
  7. Factors Influencing Crop Diversification in Tirunelveli District of Tamil Nadu / Mohammed Ghouse L and S. Nazreen Hassan
  8. Stakeholders' Integration in Sorghum and Sesame Seed Supply System. The Case of West Gondar Zone, Amhara Region, Ethiopia / Birhanu Melesse, Tewodros Getnet, Yenesew Sewnet and Beyene Derso
  9. Access and Utilization of Agricultural Extension Services among Rural Ethiopian women / Birhanu Melesse
  10. Indigenous Technical Knowledge of Tribal Farmers about Pest Management in Crop Production / P.L.Manohari and Ratan R.P.S

Vol. XVIII July - December, 2017 No: 2 (click the links below for abstracts)

  1. Farmers’ Experiences with Pluralistic Extension System in Promotion of Conservation Agriculture in Chinguluwe Epa of Salima District, Malawi/ Mphatso Mary Magombo
  2. Gender Perspective in Determinants of Market Supply of Tomato Using Multiple Linear Regression Models/ Almaz Giziew
  3. Agricultural Transition within the ASAL Rural-Urban Continuum in Kenya: a case study of Kajiado County/ Mary Kerubo Morara, Laban MacOpiyo and Wambui KogiMakau
  4. Stage-Wise Use of Mass Media in Adoption of BRRI Dhan28 by Farmers of Munshiganj District in Bangladesh/ M. Akter, M.H. Bhuiyan and K.Z. Hossain
  5. Coping Strategy during Farm Distress: a Case Study of Cattle Breed Improvement Program in Andhra Pradesh/ K. Anand Reddy and P. Kanaka Durga
  6. Animal Husbandry Extension Service Delivery: Farmers’ Perception in Four Major Indian States/ M. A. Kareem, S. S. Phand, P. L. Manohari and M. Borade
  7. Strengthening Farmer - Market Linkages/ B K Paty, Shalendra and K C Gummagolmath
  8. Impact of DAESI Program on Trained Input Dealers: A Perception Study/ N. Balasubramani
  9. Factors Influencing the Entrepreneurial Behaviour of Agripreneurs in Andhra Pradesh/ V Deepthi, P Rambabu and T Gopikrishna
  10. Crop Based Community KVK - a Predictive Innovative Model of Technology Delivery to Reach the Unreached/ M. Pandiyan, Noorjehan A.K.A. Hanif, M. Senthil Kumar and Joshua Davidson
  11. Does Demographics Influence Adoption of Information Technology Devices? – an Understanding of Rural Consumer Behaviour/ Poonam Kumari and Nirupma Gupta
  12. A Case study on Utilization of Common Service Centre among the General Public/ S. Vignesh Kumar and C. Karthikeyan
  13. Future of Farming - Polyhouse Farming/ Rachna Singla and Jasvinder Singh
  14. Uptake and Pathways in Introducing the Vegetable Crop Capsicum by KVK Khordha, Odisha/ A.K. Dash, P.N. Ananth, S. Singh and P. Jayasankar
  15. Youth in Agriculture: Role of Government Initiatives/ Anshu Rani and Pinaki Roy

Volume No. X(2) July - December, 2009

  1. Management of Horticultural Extension Services In Rainfed Areas, G.R. Desai and P.L. Manohari
  2. Empowering the Farmers of India: a case study of e-choupal in Uttarakhand, M.A. Ansari and Ajay Kumar Yogeshwar
  3. Forecasting Cotton prices in Warangal District - an empirical analysis, V. Rajendra Prasad, M. Malla Reddy and D. Raja Ram Reddy
  4. Performance of Rainfed Farming Systems in Selected Districts of Southern India, G.R. Desai, P.L. Manohari and S.V. Ramana Rao
  5. Resource Use Efficiency in Mulberry Cocoon Production in Tamil Nadu: an economic analysis S.Lakshmanan
  6. Determinants of Utility Perception of Telecasted Agricultural Technologies, R.T. Katole, D.D Suradkar and R.S. Bhople
  7. Technological Impact on Productivity and Profitability in Mulberry Silk Cocoon Production, Hiriyanna, P. Kumaresan, T.S. Mahadevamurthy, A.S.Suma and S.M.H. Qadri
  8. Awareness and Adoption of Recommended Technologies by Cassava Growers, A. Janaki Rani and V. Palanisamy
  9. Impact of IVLP on Mulberry Leaf and Cocoon Yield at Farmers' Level, B.T. Sreenivas, A. Umesha, M. T. Himantharaj, Jaishankar, S.M.H. Qadri and C.K. Kamble
  10. Utilization, Credibility and Effectiveness of Communication Media among Bt Cotton Growers, U.R. Chinchmalatpure, H.D. Rajput and C.P. Girase

Volume No. X(1) January - June, 2009

  1. Performance Efficiency of Agricultural Extension Systems, G.R. Desai and, Sanat Mishra
  2. Impact Assessment of Training Programmes: a case study of MANAGE, Vikram Singh,  G.Jaya and A.S. Charyulu
  3. Access and usage of Internet in Agricultural institutions, Lakshmi Murthy
  4. Utilisation of Animal Husbandry Extension Services by Rainfed Farmers, G.R. Desai and P.L. Manohari
  5. Opinion and Preferences of Farmers Regarding Training Programmes, Manish Bajpai and Surya Rathore
  6. Short Message Service (SMS) Alerts in Agricultural Information Dissemination: a case study, G. Bhaskar
  7. Farmer Scientist Forum: an approach to Market led Extension, K.D. Kokate, P.B. Kharde and S.S. Patil
  8. Problems and Prospects of Rice Exports from India, P. Kanaka Durga
  9. Krishi Community Radio: A case study, N. Balasubramani
  10. Knowledge and Adoption of Water Management Technology among Farmers, B.T. Kolgane, D.D. Suradkar and P.K. Wakle

Volume No. IX(2) July - December, 2008

  1. Strategic Interventions for Improving Rainfed Farming Systems in Bolangir district of Orissa, G.R. Desai, P.L. Manohari, Sanat Mishra and S.V. Ramana Rao
  2. A Study on Size and Duration of Training Programmes, Vikram Singh and Lakshmi Murthy
  3. Decision Making among Women - Headed Households, K. Uma Rani, K. Sai Maheswari and G. Bhaskar
  4. Role of Krishi Vigyan Kendras in the National Agricultural Extension System, G.R. Desai and P.L. Manohari
  5. Post Project Sustainability of watershed programme - a continuing challenge, B. Renuka Rani and K. Sai Maheswari
  6. Integrated Farming Systems Management for Sustainable Sericulture - a Case Study, S. Rajadurai and T.M. Veeraiah
  7. Role of Rural Women in Farm Management Decision Making Process, U.D. Patil, T.B. Deokate and S.N. Patil
  8. Livelihood Pattern of Suicide Farmers of Vidarbha Region, N.M. Kale, S.R. Khonde and U.G. Thakare
  9. An Impact Analysis of Eco-friendly Agricultural Practices in Paddy, A. Janaki Rani, H. Philip and P.P. Murugan
  10. Constraints faced by Cotton Growers in Bt. Cotton Cultivation, M.K. Trivedi, N.B. Chauhan and Umesh Chinchmalatpure

Volume No. IX(1) January - June, 2008

  1. Utilisation of Agricultural Research and Extension Services by Rainfed Farmers, G.R. Desai, P.L. Manohari and T.D.S. Kumar
  2. Effect of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) on Communication Skills of Agricultural Extension Officials: a case study in Markazi Province of Iran, H. Shabanali Fami, M. Rezaie, M. Rahimzadeh, F. Rostami and M.Yaghoobi 
  3. Agripreneurs and their Opinion on Agri-Clinics and Agri-Business Centres Scheme, L.M. Ahire, B.S. Sontakki and P. Punna Rao 
  4. Adoption of Tissue Culture in Horticulture: A Study of Banana-Growing Farmers in Andhra Pradesh, Ch. Krishna Rao and E. Haribabu
  5. Farmers’ Preferences towards Privatization of Agricultural Extension Services, Pushpa Kumari and M.A. Ansari
  6. An Integrated Model for Small Farm Profitability – a case study, S. Regeena
  7. Economic Analysis of Zero Tillage Technology in Maize, V. Rajendra Prasad and M. Goverdhan
  8. An Empirical Analysis on Cultivation Behaviour of Bt Cotton Growers, S. Usha Rani and G. Selvaraj
  9. Consequence of Farmer’s Attributes on their Attitude towards Bt-Cotton, M.K. Trivedi, N.B. Chauhan and Umesh Chinchmalatpure 
  10. Measuring Readability of Farm Information Published in Newspapers, G.R. Uike, D.M. Mankar and R.G. Mardane
  11. Resource Use Efficiency in Rice Production, B. Nirmala
  12. Factors affecting Teaching Competency of Academic Staff, K.T. Lahariya and P.O. Ingle
  13. Role Perception and Performance of Women Members in Panchayat Raj, D.D. Suradkar, S.D. Wangikar and P.K. Wakale

Volume No. VIII (2) July - December, 2007

  1. Farming Systems in Rainfed Areas of Karnataka, M.A Shankar, G.N. Dhanapal, and M.R.Umesh
  2. Improvement of Livestock Sector in Rainfed Areas Status and Strategies, K.T. Sampath and K.S. Ramachandra
  3. Improvement in Livelihoods of Tribal Farmers In Rainfed Farming Systems, M.A. Kareem and P.L. Manohari
  4. Impact of Watershed Development Programmes on Adoption of Crop Production Technologies, Om Prakash, Y.V.R. Reddy, G. Sastry, P. Srinivas Rao and H.P. Singh
  5. Factors behind Poor Mechanization in Rice Cultivation in Orissa, S.K. Nath and C. Satapathy
  6. Empowerment of Rural Women through Self Help Groups, D.M. Mankar, Umesh R. Chinchmalatpure and N. R. Koshti
  7. Socio-economic characteristics of lac growers in Jharkhand, Govind Pal, M.L. Bhagat and A. Bhattacharya
  8. Perceived Opinion of Farmers and Researchers towards Jasmine Research Priorities, A. Janaki Rani, M. Manoharan and P.P. Murugan
  9. Impact of Japan International Co-Operation Agency (JICA) Extension Project on Quality Silk Production – a Case Study, P. Kumaresan, R.G. Geetha Devi and C.K. Kamble
  10. Factors Contributing to Efficiency of the Personnel Working in a Research Organization – a Case Study, B.D. Tripathi and Varsha

Volume No. VIII (1) January - June, 2007

  1. Village Based Seed Banks in Andhra Pradesh - a Case Study, Ch. Ravinder Reddy, Vilas A Tonapi, PG Bezkorowajnyj, G. Thirupati Reddy and S P Wani
  2. Impact of JICA Programme on Sericulture Development in Tamil Nadu, M.T. Himantharaj, G. Srinivasa, R. Gnanashekaran and G.S. Vindhya
  3. Performance of Rainfed Farming Systems in Mahaboobnagar district of Andhra Pradesh, G.R.Desai, J.Venkateswarlu, S.V.Ramana Rao, T.D.S.Kumar, P.L.Manohari
  4. Growth of Rice Production in Different Districts of Manipur: a Decadal Analysis, Diana Sarungbam and Nivedita Deka
  5. Impact of Communication Behaviour of Farmers of Watershed areas in central India , Om Prakash
  6. Dynamics of Adoption of Recommended Rice Production Technologies among Migrant Farmers, N. Sai Krishna, Shaik N. Meera and P. Muthuraman
  7. Strategies for Potential Participation of Women in Sericulture: Issues and Options, S. Lakshmanan and R.G.Geetha Devi
  8. Correlates of Adoption of Cotton Cultivation Practices, Umesh R. Chinchmalatpure and V. V. Mayani
  9. Socio-Economic Empowerment of Women through Micro-Finance, Josily Samuel, L.B. Kunnal, Susheela P. Sawkar and K.V. Ashalata
  10. Expert to Facilitator: Issues on Changing Role of Extension Personnel under Extension Reforms, U. Barman and B. Kumar

Volume No. VII (2) July - December 2006

  1. Extension Delivery Methods Preferred by Women Farmers in Nigeria , O.A. Olaniyi, Y.K Ogunleye,. and P.O Eniola.
  2. Matrix Ranking of the Technological Interventions Perceived by Farmers under IVLP, Anuj Kumar1, Ram Chand2, R.M. Fulzele3 and Randhir Singh
  3. Women Empowerment through ‘Kudumbashree’ Project of Kerala–a Micro level Analysis, A. Sakeer Husain and Anu S. Nair
  4. Gender Differentials in Labour Allocation in Farming Systems of Jharkhand, V. Lakra , R. Sinha and C. Kerketta
  5. Feasibility of biomass recycling of arecanut based cropping system through vermicompost technology in the farmers’ garden – A participatory assessment, Indrajit Barman, A. K. Ray and H. P. Maheswarappa
  6. Predictive Factors of knowledge level of beel user on sustainable development of beel fisheries, R.C. Barman, S.S. Dana, B.K. Bhattacharjya and D. Majumdar
  7. Constraints and Suggestions expressed by project affected farmers in adoption of modern agricultural technology, Umesh R. Chinchmalatpure1 and V. V. Mayani2
  8. Gender Differences in Learning styles of Extension Trainees, P.Sethuraman Sivakumar and Ramesh C. Ray
  9. Relative Effectiveness of Extension Teaching Methods in retention of knowledge by Farm Women, P.B. Kharde and S.B. Shinde
  10. Ict Mediated Agricultural Extension : A Case Study, Sreenath Dixit, G. Dileepkumar1, and V. Balaji
  11. Project Atmapratistha - an Inspiring Public Private Partnership in Assam , J.Deka, P.Nath, D.K.Gogoi and Dr.Vikram Singh
  12. Web based Information Dissemionation: Case of Rabbit Farming in Tamil Nadu, D.Puthira Prathap and K.A.Ponnusamy

Volume No. VII (1) January - June 2006

  1. Perceived Characteristics of Innovation affecting the Adoption of Agricultural Technology among Farmers of Osun State, Nigeria, E.O. Okunade, M.O Raufu and O.A Olaniyi
  2. Information Sources used by Livestock Farmers in Iran, H. Shabanali Fami , Kh. Kalantari & A. Asadi
  3. A Study on Impact of “DAESI” Programme on Input Dealers in Andhra Pradesh, P.L Manohari and M.A. Kareem
  4. Export Performance of Mango Fruit from India , N. R. Mamle Desai, G.K. Hiremath and J. S. Hilli
  5. Farmers’ Perceptions on Performance and Utilization of Improved Sorghum Cultivars, P Parthasarathy Rao, K Gurava Reddy, Belum VS Reddy and D Ramachandraiah
  6. Farmers’ willingness to pay for Livestock Extension Services, S. Ravi Kumar, K.V.R.Reddy and B. Sudhakar Rao \
  7. Farmers’ participation in the Kisan Call Centre – A critical evaluation, P. Lavanya, C. Karthikeyan and J. Venkatapirabu
  8. Credibility of Farm Magazine as perceived by Farmers, Syed Sadaqath and H.K Mariswamy
  9. Teaching Technical Skills in Sericulture, G Srinivasa, V.K Rahmathulla, M.T Himantharaj, G.S Vindhya and R.K Rajan
  10. Increased adoption of seed treatment for groundnut disease management through farmer participatory evaluation: A micro study in Kurnool District of Andhra Pradesh, Ch. Ravinder Reddy, K Gurava Reddy, G. Thirupathi Reddy and SP Wani
  11. Public-Private Partnership in Agricultural Extension Management: A case study of Hoshangabad model in Madhya Pradesh, P Chandra Shekara, N. Balasubramani and A.S. Charyulu
  12. Excel-Parle-Farmers – a case of Partnership, Vikram Singh and G. Bhaskar

Volume No. VI (2) July - December 2005 

  1. Changing perspectives in extension management, G.R.Desai
  2. Role expectations and role performance of Agricultural Extension Officers,V.K.Reddy
  3. DAATTCs: A successful innovation in technology dissemination, P. Punna Rao and P. Israel
  4. Mechanisation in dryland agriculture: present status and future needs, K.V.Subrahmanyam and K. Nagasree
  5. Impact of transfer of technology in cashew cultivation, R. Venkattakumar, T.N. Raviprasad and M.G. Nayak
  6. Opinion of veterinary students towards establishment of private veterinary clinics, V. Jagadeeswari, B. Sudhakar Rao and C. Subhas Chandra Bose
  7. Indigenous technical knowledge of farmers in dry farming, K.Thangaraja and C. Karthikeyan
  8. Role of 'Kisan Call Center', Pune in dissemination of agricultural technology, H.P.Bondale, A.M. Chavai, V.J. Tarde and G.K Sasane
  9. Private extension system: An analysis, Loveleesh Garg, T.S.Riar and Manjinder Singh
  10. Interpersonal communcation behavior of tribal communities in Andhra Pradesh, P.L.Manohari and M.A.Kareem

Volume No. VI (1) January – June 2005 

  1. Effectiveness of Agriclinics and Agribusiness training programme in Kerala, S. Parimaladevi, A. Sakeer Husain and S. Bhaskaran
  2. Impact of watershed programme on the economy of the Farm households in Andhra Pradesh, B.Nirmala and G.K.Hiremath
  3. Perceived Communication Effectiveness among Researchers, Extension personnel and Farmers O. Sarada, K. Prabhakar and M. Sudarshan Reddy
  4. Management Interventions for improving economic efficiency of irrigation water resource in Andhra Pradesh, K. N. Ravi Kumar and D. Srinivas
  5. Training needs of input dealers on pesticidal application on cotton crop in Punjab, M.K.Sarda and Dr.S.S.Gill
  6. Rural Radio in Agricultural and Rural Development, N.C.Rath and Shaik.N.Meera
  7. Participation of Tribal farmers in Vegetable Cultivation, Rajesh Kumar, B.S Arya and Sunil Arya
  8. Improving employment strategies and potential for women and youth agricultural labour, C.Karthikeyan, J.Venkata Pirabu, G.Selvarani and S.Amudha
  9. Extension strategy and institutional mechanism for biodiversity conservation, D. Sen

 Volume No. V (2) July – December 2004 

  1. Influence of performance appraisal system on overall climate of agricultural extension organizations, Souvik Ghosh and K. Vijayaragavan
  2. Farmer Participatory Problem Identification: a case study of Karnal District, Haryana, S.R.K. Singh, Arindam Dhali, Debashish Mandal and Vinod Bhargava  
  3. Establishing and strengthening farmers organizations, S.K. Santra and B. Haldar
  4. Problems of shrimp entrepreneurs in Tamil Nadu, K. Ponnusamy, S.M.Pillai and C.Sarada
  5. Wealth ranking and livelihood analysis for microwatershed development, G Nirmala, Kausalya Ramachandran , UK Mandal, V Ramesh and G. Ramesh
  6. Self-help groups for mobilizing tribal youth for entrepreneurship-the experience of Meghalaya N.Prakash, P.P. Pal and M. Sharma
  7. Biovillage worldwide: building on multifunctionality of vermicompost technology, B. Bhattacharya and S.K. Nanda
  8. People’s technologies in farm sector – a scientific approach for sustainability, K.Narayanagowda, M. Ranganath and B.S. Siddaramaiah

Volume No. V (1) January – June 2004 

  1. New Dimensions of Agricultural Extension: Forging Partnership, Dr. M.N. Reddy & Dr. Vikram Singh
  2. Economic of Major Farming Systems in North Coastal Zone of Andhra Pradesh, K.N. Ravi Kumar, B. Bapuji Rao and K. Sree Lakshmi
  3. Economic Impact of Water Harvesting Structures on Farmers of North Saurashtra Agro-climatic Zone, Hiren Tilala and R. L. Shiyani
  4. Assessing the Factors Influencing the Food Grain Production in Andhra Pradesh: District Wise Analysis, I.V.Y.Rama Rao and V.T.Raju
  5. Measurement of Sustainability of Agriculture in Watershed Environment, K. Atchuta Raju, J. Dilip Babu and M. Sudarshan Reddy
  6. Performance of Farm Women in Agriculture and Income Generating Activities, Thejaswini C.N, Chandra Shekar V. and Narayana Gowda. K.
  7. Role of Women in Land Management Decision Making in Vidarbha Region of Maharashtra, S.N. Goswami, O. Challa and R.S. Gawande
  8. Knowledge Networking in Information and Communication Technologies (ICTS) for Women in Agriculture and Rural Development, N.Sandhya Shenoy and Paramita Banerjee
  9. Analysis of Functional Linkages between Research and Extension in Dairying under Different Linkage Systems in Haryana, Dr. Shantanu Kumar, Dr. Uma Sah and Dr. Ram Kumar
  10. Gap in Watershed Project Activities–– A Study at Micro Level, R.K.Raj, C.Satpathy and Shyamlal

Volume No. IV (2) July – December 2003

  1. Agricultural Marketing Extension services in a changing, scenario, Vikram Singh and J.P. Singh
  2. Promoting Organic Farming in India: Extension implications, S.K. Nanda, B. Bhattacharya and P. Satish Chandra
  3. Empowering extension managers through Participatory learning approach, G. Jaya and M.N. Reddy
  4. Agricultural Marketing in the wake of the World Trade Agreement, K.H. Vedini
  5. Role of institutions and institutional constraints in watershed programmes: a case study of Karkara watershed, Hazaribagh, Jharkand, G.P. Reddy, R.C. Srivastava and H.N. Verma
  6. Assessment of Risk in Dryland Agriculture: a study of Anantapur district in Andhra Pradesh, D. Moses Shyam, I. Narendar and G.V. Krishna rao
  7. Perception of Farmers Interest Groups (FIGs) of National Agricultural Technology Project about Private Extension services: A micro study in Ahmednagar district of Maharashtra, A.M. Chavai, S.S. Sadaphal, A.J. Nirban and G.K. Sawant
  8. Utilization of information sources by farmers under different production systems in Uttaranchal and Uttar Pradesh, S.P. Gupta, Amardeep and Kushal Vir
  9. Farmers’ preferences for extension technologies under social forestry and farm forestry in Karnataka, K. Narayana Gowda and N. Rajanna
  10. Extension through women and groups: an innovative approach of KVK gadag, Karnataka, M.J. Chandre Gowda, S.H. Adapur and R. Sudha
  11. Impact of WTO on agriculture, T.D.S. Kumar
  12. Extension Management in Animal Resource development for improvement in Rural economy: a few issues, D. Sen
  13. When Women Unite…Connecting the Poor: a vision, B. Renuka Rani
  14. Evaluation of Information Communication technology projects in developing world: formulating a prospective methodology, N. Meera Shaik and D.U.M. Rao
  15. Indigenous Technical Know how of Coastal Fisher folk of Sindhudurg district in Maharashtra, H.Vivek Nirmale, S. Bharat Sontakki and R.S. Biradar
  16. Diagnosis of general agricultural problems of farmers through Village level Participatory Approach in Mahboobnagar district of Andhra Pradesh, M.Suryamani
  17. Management strategy for sustainable technology creation and accuracy in adoption: R&D perspective, V.G. Dhanakumar
  18. Agriculture media in India: March towards problem solving and professionalism, P. Chandra Shekara

Volume IV, No.1

  1. Strategies for Management of Change in Agricultural Extension - G. Jaya and M.N. Reddy
  2. Third Wave in Indian Agriculture: Introduction to Agriclinics and Agribusiness Centres Scheme - P. Chandra Shekara
  3. Participatory Agro-Ecosystem Analysis and Identification of Problems of a Village in Bundelkhand Region - M.R. Manikantan and R.S. Suman
  4. Contract Farming: Where We Gain and Lose? R. Saravanan and N.S. Shivalinge Gowda
  5. Status from Castor Seed Purchasers to Seed Producers: A Success Story from Andhra Pradesh - M. Padmaiah and G.V. Ramanjaneyadu
  6. Opinion of Farmers About Functioning of Rythu Bazaars - B. Savitha H.K. De and A. Ramesh Babu
  7. Socio Economic Impact of JFM in Bankura - H.K. De and A. Ramesh Babu
  8. Role of Opinion Leaders in Rural Development and Community Advancement - L.S. Bareth and J.D. Sarkar
  9. Problems Faced by Farm Women in Managing Enterprises - T. Sarah Kamala and K. Atchuta Raju - W. Neeraj Sing, B.P. Sinha and K. Vijayaragavan B.S. Chandel
  10. A Study on Motivational Levels of Agricultural Officials - W. Neeraj Sing, B.P. Sinha and K. Vijayaragavan
  11. Management Approach for Integrated Development of a Watershed - B.S. Chandel
  12. Role of Agripreneurs - Experience Sharing from an Agribusiness Training Programme - Manoj Mishra
  13. Socio-personal characteristics of Private Veterinary Practitioners (PVPs) in developing countries: A study in West Bengal State of India - Arindam Sen and Mahesh Chander
  14. Agricultural Information Management Behaviour of Farmers - D. Jagannadha Raju and K. Jayarama Reddy - K. Vijay Kumar, M. Pochaiah and G. Raghupathi Reddy A. Sailaja and M.N. Reddy
  15. Correlates of Entrepreneurial Behaviour of Floriculture Farmers -  K. Vijay Kumar, M. Pochaiah and G. Raghupathi Reddy
  16. Changing Needs of Farm Women in Agriculture - A. Sailaja and M.N. Reddy
  17. T&V and NATP – A Comparison of Features - K. Umarani

Volume III, No.2

  1. Cost Price Analysis in Sugarcane : A Study in Tamil Nadu, Southern India - J.P.Singh and K.H. Vedini
  2. K.P.C.Rao and K.N.Ravi Kumar
  3. Production and marketing scenarios of Jaggery in India with special reference to Andhra Pradesh - K.P.C. Rao and K.N.Ravi Kumar
  4. Kindling the Hidden Fire : Empowerment Through Conflict Management in Organizations - G. Jaya
  5. Food Grain Production in India – An Analysis of Trend and Seasonal Pattern During the Post-green Revolution Period - K.Kareemulla and R.H.Rizvi
  6. Impact of Participatory Planning on Adoption of New Technology through FLD (Oil Seeds) - P.K. Singh Information Revolution in Indian Agriculture - Bankey Bihari and A.S. Mishra T. Krishna Prasad, MD.Suleman Khan and M.Veera Raghava Reddy
  7. Cyclone Disaster Preparedness of Prawn growers in Andhra Pradesh- T.Krishna Prasad, M.D. Suleman Khan and M. Veera Raghava Reddy
  8. Development Oriented Performance Appraisal System for the Agricultural Extension Personnel - Souvik Ghosh and K.Vijayaragavan
  9. Developmental Priorities of Farm Women in Agribusiness Management - A Case of an Adopted Village K.B.Palem - S. Neelaveni and P. Rambabu
  10. Potential Appraisal of Agricultural Extension Human Resource - A SWOT Analysis - P. Punna Rao and B. Mukunda Rao
  11. Alienation from Work among Entrepreneurs in Agriculture - Hemchandra Gajbhiye, R.T. Katole and Jyoti Sahare - B.S. Nadagoudar and A.T. Patil - Kella Lakshmana, I.M. Iqbal, R.Netaji Seetharaman and R.Ranga Swamy - T.D.S.Kumar P V K Sasidhar and B S Chandel
  12. Monitoring and Evaluation of Extension Activities - B.S. Nadagoudar and A.T. Patil
  13. Research in Field Extension – an approach for sustainability - K.Lakshmana, I.M. Iqbal, R. Nethaji Seetaraman and R. Ranga Swamy
  14. ”Shaham”: Agricultural Extension services of Israel - T.D.S. Kumar
  15. Rational Delivery of Private Livestok Extension services – Interventions - P.V.K. Sasidhar and B.S. Chandel
  16. Utilisation of Information Sources by the Tribal Farmers in Rampachodavaram Agency Area : A Micro Study - P.L.Manohari

 Volume III, No.1

  1. Market-led Agricultural Extension Challenges & Future Strategy - M.N.Reddy & G. Jaya
  2. Export Potential of Horticultural Products: Constraints and Strategies - K.H.Vedini
  3. Participatory Approaches in Agricultural Research: A Case Study - of the Andhra Pradesh Netherlands Biotechnology Programme - G Pakki Reddy and P.S. Janaki Krishna
  4. Farmer to Farmer Extension for Sustainable Agriculture an Experience of U.P. Sodic Lands Reclamation Project - India - R.S. Saxena S.K. Pradhan
  5. Key Communicator Networks used in Dissemination of Agricultural Information : A Study in Koya Sub-tribe Setting - P.L.Manohari
  6. India’s Traditional Water Conservation and Harvesting System: A solution to combating Water Scarcity - Souvik Ghosh, H.N. Verma, P. Nanda, and Dinesh Chandra
  7. Dynamics of Collaboration in the Activities of Krishi Vigyan Kendras - M.J.Chandre Gowda and R.K.Samanta
  8. World Trade Agreement – Its Impact on Indian Agriculture - K.N.Ravi Kumar, K.Sree Lakshmi and K.P.C. Rao
  9. Studies on Involvement of Women in Agriculture and Allied Activities in Kalahandi District of Orissa - M.M. Hossain and S.N. Mishra
  10. Status of Extension Management Perspectives in Agroforestry In India - R.P. Dwivedi
  11. Prediction of Net Returns from Apple (Malus Domestica Borkh.) In Kashmir From Some Agro-economic And Socio-personal Correlates - S.K. Acharjee, W. Qadri and A. Haque
  12. Message Design for Community Wall Newspaper: Participatory Approach - P.S. Siva Kumar and R.N. Trikha 
  13. Technological Needs of Women in Dairying - K.Umarani
  14. Veterinary and Animal Husbandry Extension warrants as much preference as given to Research - P.V.K. Sasidhar
  15. Comparative Analysis of Formats and Readability of Articles published in a News Paper and A Farm Magazine - V. Suresh and J. Vasanthkumar
  16. Factors Influencing the Attitude of Farmers towards Privatization of Agricultural Extension Services - M. Jegadeesan, T. Rathkrishnan and G. Selvaraj
  17. Awareness, Perceptions and Problems of Cardamom Growers in India - T.D.S.Kumar

Volume II, No.2 

  1. Strategy for Effective Agricultural Marketing Extension to Meet the Challenges in 21 st Century : J.P. Singh
  2. Communication Strategies for Creating Sustainable Public Awareness on Agricultural Biotechnology : M.N. Reddy
  3. MANAGE : A Case of HRD in Government : Vikram Singh and B.D. Tripath
  4. Exploring the Agricultural Export Potential of Andhra Pradesh - A SWOT Analysis : K.N. Ravi Kumar, K. Sree Lakshmi and K.V. Krishna here to download the above four (PDF file)
  5. Constraints and Suggestions for Effective Implementation of Farm Women Development Programmes : K. Atchuta Raju, G. Sowjanya Roy,T. Sarah Kamala and M. Sudha Rani
  6. Managing Agricultural Production by Minimising Environmental Risks: A Study of Farmers Perception of Environmental Risk in Pesticide Use : M.S. Rao and V.K. Dubey
  7. Information Revolution in Indian Agriculture : Bankey Bihari and A.S. Mishra
  8. Impact of Farm Mechanization on Selected Filed Crops in Tamil Nadu (India): An Analysis : N. Anandaraja, K. Chandrakandan, R. Vijayaraghavan and C. Karthikeyan
  9. Methodology Adopted by NGOs for Farm Women Development : K. Atchuta Raju, M. Sudha Rani, M.C. Obaiah G.S. Roy and T. Sarah Kamala
  10. Adoption of Production Practices of Paddy by Tribal Farmers : M.A. Kareem and P.L. Manohari
  11. Development Plan of Village Sandhir on the Basis of PRA Techniques : R.P. Singh
  12. Innovations in Training for Team Work : B.D. here to download (PDF file)
  13. Women's Empowerment for Sustainable Agriculture Development : S.K. Santra and Rubi Kundu
  14. Redefining the Extension Role of State Agricultural Universities to Meet the Emerging Challenges : P. Sethuraman Sivakumar, B.S. Sontakki and V.K. Jayaraghavendra Rao
  15. Stress Management by the Agricultural Officers : T. Lakshmi
  16. Performance Appraisal in RBEDS : V.G. Dhanakumar

Volume No. II (1) January – June 2001

  1. Self-directed work teams for sustainable linkages: a new approach for Agricultural development, M.N. Reddy
  2. Capacity Building of Extension Workers and Farmers in Extension Education, R.P. Singh
  3. Imperatives of sociological and Extension Management Techniques in Organization of Dairy Cooperatives in Haryana, India: a leson for Master Trainers, P.S. Malik and Saroj Malik
  4. Mass Media in Agricultural Extension: Best yet to come, P. Chandrashekara
  5. Farming Situation specific Production Recommendation: a in Jorhat district of Assam, R.C. Sarmah and G. Goswami
  6. Capacity Building for HRD at State level, V.K. Reddy
  7. Estimation of Rural Poverty in Kancheepuram district of Tamil Nadu, P.N. Jayakumar, J.N. Ravi Kumar and K.P.C. Rao
  8. Food Se4curity in the Framework of Economic policies, K.H. Vedini
  9. Axiomatic theory of Entrepreneurial Behavior of Farmers, M.S. Rao and Dipak De
  10. Attitude of Primitive Tribal Groups towards improved Agricultural Technology, P.L. Manohari
  11. Empowering Women through Natural and Social Resource Management, K. Uma Rani
  12. Glimpses of Agricultural Extension development in India, K.P. Wasnik
  13. Health and Nutritional Status of Rural women: a comparative study of ICDS and non ICDS Areas of Chittoor district, Andhra Pradesh, B. Renuka Rani
  14. Promoting Agricultural Exports from India: need of the hour, K.N. Ravi Kumar, Radhika Rani, P.N. Jayakumar and K.P.C. Rao
  15. Methodology adopted by NGOs for farm Women development, K. Atchuta Raju, M. Sudha Rani, M.C. Obaiah, G.S. Royand Sarah Kamala

Volume No. I (2) July – December 2000

  1. WTO and India’s Agricultural export Perspectives, J.P. Singh
  2. Agricultural Extension Personnel in new millennium: a prospective view, B.D. Tripathi
  3. Determinants of Rice Trade in the World Market, P. Kanaka Durga
  4. Gender focus in national Agricultural Technology project (NATP): some issues, K. Uma Rani
  5. Knowledge of Agricultural Officers on sustainable agricultural practices: a micro study in Guntur district of Andhra Pradesh, K. Guruva Reddy and P. Punna Rao
  6. Impact of Farm Mechanization on the farm economy a case study in coastal Andhra Pradesh, L. Thulasamma and I. Narendra
  7. Study on constraints inadoption of recommended practices of cotton in Aurangabad and Jalana duistricts, K.R. Nadre
  8. Water Management for field crops production, Chandra
  9. Matrix made easy by farmers: a case study, Ajay Kumar and M.K. Majumdar
  10. Technology Refinement through on-farm trials (OFT) for wider acceptability, P.K. Singh
  11. Sustainable and Effective Water Management: a holistic approach to improve socio-economic status of rural community, Gouranga Kar and Lipi Das

Volume No. I (1) January – June 2000

  1. Agricultural Production Scenario in 21st Century, A.K. Goel
  2. Sustainable development of Natural Resources through Indigenous Technologies: a case study of Manchal Watershed in Ranga Reddy district, Andhra Pradesh, NK Sanghi
  3. Cyber Extension in the context of Agricultural Extension, V.P. Sharma
  4. Human Resource Management and Organizational Effectiveness, Vikram Singh
  5. Technology Framework for Coffee Extension Management, P. Chandrashekhara
  6. Potential location for Flower Processing Units in Karnataka an econometric analysis, K.H. Vedini
  7. Small farmers Agri Business Consortium (SFAC): a case of Mahboobnagar district, Andhra Pradesh, T.D. S. Kumar
  8. Agriculture Development: Future Production and Production possibilities in Andhra Pradesh, P. Kanaka Durga
  9. Technological Needs of women in Paddy Cultivation: a study in Ranga Reddy district, Andhra Pradesh, K. Uma Rani
  10. An Economic Analysis of Factors influencing Milk Production and supply response of Milk to change in price at the Producer’s level: a study in Ranga Reddy district, Andhra Pradesh, J.P. Singh

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