Institutional Repository

Research Articles by the Faculty

Dr.K.C.Gummagolmath, Director (M&E)
  1. An Economic Analysis of Growth Performance of Oilseed Crops in India
  2. Changes in Area, Production and Productivity of Sunflower in Northern Karnataka
  3. Channels for marketing of mint in Moradabad Dist. of UP
  4. Conceptualizaing a National Market for Agri-Produce
  5. Constraints Analysis in Production and Marketing of Jasmine Flower
  6. Contract Farming In India
  7. Costs and Returns of Potato Marketing in Dharwad District, Karnataka
  8. Crop diversificatio- RJAS
  9. Economic Analysis of Integrated Pest Management Technology in Redgram
  10. Economic Analysis of Sustainability of Farming Systems in Hilly Zone of Karnataka
  11. Economic Feasibility of Grape Cultivation in Bijapur Dist. of Karnataka
  12. Export marketing of medicinal and aromatic plants from India
  13. HR Facets in FPCs
  14. ICT as a Means for Linking Farmers to Market - A case of Banana Cultivation in Kolhapur Dist. of MS
  15. IJAE_ICT_Paper_Shalendra_KCG_Psharma (1)
  16. Impact of Doubling Farmers’ Income on Area,
  17. Impact of Soil Salinity and water-logging on cropping pattern in TBP 1
  18. Institutional Innovations for Inclusive Growth of Small holders
  19. Infrastructure Status and Future Requirements of Periodical Markets in Odisha
  20. Leveraging Contract farming for supply chain in India: A case of Gherkin Production
  21. Application of ICT for efficient and Transparent Price Discovery : An Analysis of e - Tendering of Agricultural Commodities in Karnataka
  22. Agricultural Marketing Reforms – A Conspectus
  23. Strengthing Farmer- Market Linkages
  24. Leading issues in Agribusiness
  25. Mango cultivation in Dharwad District
  26. Modern Marketing Methods - A new perspective for agribusiness
  27. Onion price analysis-SMDr KCG
  28. Preference of Producer Seller to Various Market Intermediaries in Marketing of Potato
  29. Price trend in Onion
  30. Prices_of_Onion_An_Analysis
  31. Reforming_Guar_Industry_in_India_Issues_and_Strate
  32. Role of Intercrops in Reducing the Establishment Cost of Lime Orchards
  33. Role of pulses in doubling farmers income
  34. RoleofpulsesinthefoodandnutritionalsecurityinIndiajfl-26-3and4-022
  35. Spatial Integration
  36. The Scenario of Food Grains Availability in India
  37. TrainingNeedAssessmentINSEE
  38. Trends in Arrivals and Prices of Groundnut and Cotton in Dharward Market
  39. UserCentricICTModelforSupplyChainofHorticulturalCropsinIndia