Assistant Director (IT) (Selection Grade)
(Worked as Head of the Center for "Knowledge Management and Information and Communication Technologies" during January 2021 to March, 2023)
Present Work
Current interests include Information Technology in Agriculture, Internet based Information Systems, Management Information Systems, decision support systems, database management systems, developing tools for Agricultural Information Services, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Internet of Things (IoTs) and Block Chain Technnologies in Agriculture.
Work Experience
Joined MANAGE in March, 1997. Over 27 years of experience in the areas of analysis, design, development, testing, implementation and administration of applications in various computer environments using various software development tools and Database Management Systems. Designed and developed Computer Based Objective Test (CBOT) for selection process of PGPABM admission of MANAGE, testing and debugging of DESIGN tool for preparing cost estimates and design of watershed structures and other in-house software projects.
Coordinated a National level project on “NICE System implementation in Soil Protection and Rehabilitation for Food Security in India (Pro SOIL)” with GIZ, India. The project was implemented in five districts of Maharashtra and two districts of Madhya Pradesh. Four State Agricultural Universities and seven KVKs have been involved in providing agricultural advisory services to farmers timly, location specific and addressing farmers query timely. The quality content on Agriculture and allied sector will be developed, validated and disseminated to the farmers using the NICE software by scientists of SAUs and KVKs. The project was implemented from year 2017 to June, 2024.
Prior to MANAGE, worked on projects related to Government of Andhra Pradesh in State Excise and Commercial Taxes Departments and implemented payroll, inventory, procurement and distribution, MIS, COMPACT system for automation of checkpost operations, commercial tax offices, division offices, and head office.
Familiar with software quality standards and control procedures for the development of application systems.
Systems integration and security, maintenance of data dictionary and data management function.
Liaison with end users and management to determine technical and functional system requirement.
Ability to lead project team members with efficient management techniques and with proper coordination.
Professional Education
Microsoft Certified System Engineer with Internet Specialization, Microsoft Inc., Hyderabad.
Diploma in Sybase, Visual Basic 5.0 and Power Builder 5.0, Software Solutions Integrated Limited, Hyderabad
Diploma in RDBMS (Oracle), Developer 2000 and VC++ from CMC,
Diploma in web designing and JAVA 1.1 from Winnet computers,
Certificate in Power Builder 4.0, Software Technology Group, Hyderabad
Professional Training Program and Workshops attended
A five - week training program on Creative writing for Multimedia Production at CMC Limited, Hyderabad during June 1997.
A six- day course on Team Building Skills at MANAGE , Hyderabad during February, 1997.
Attended one week training on "Courseware preparation for Multimedia" at National Center for Software Technology, Mumbai using web tools Authorware and Director.
Attended a three day workshop on Watershed Modeling Systems at Hyderabad during February, 2003.
Attended a two day training programme on Software Testing, conducted by QAI India Ltd at Pune during July, 2003.
G. Bhaskar (2022) Digital Agricultural Services: The Future of Indian Farming, Journal of Agricultural Extension Management, MANAGE, Hyderabad
G. Bhaskar and Praveen (2022) Plight of dryland farmers amidst COVID pandemic: A rapid assessment in crisis time, Journal of Agricultural Extension Management, MANAGE, Hyderabad
G. Bhaskar (2018) Impact Assessment of Climate Change Knowledge Network in Indian Agriculture (CCKN-IA) of Selected blocks of Jharkhand, Maharashtra and Odisha states, Journal of Agricultural Extension Management, MANAGE, Hyderabad
G. Bhaskar, Ashwini D (2018) Prime Minister’s FASAL BIMA YOJANA (PMFBY): A case of its implementation in Datia district of Madhya Pradesh, International Journal of Management, Technology and Engineering
G. Bhaskar (2012) Mobile based Automated Agro-advisory services (MAAAS) on Pests and Diseases to Farmers, National conference on Agro-Informatics and Precision Farming (AIPA) 2012, IIIT, Hyderabad
G. Bhaskar (2009) Short Message Services (SMS) Alerts in Agricultural Information Dissemination: a case study, Journal of Agricultural Extension Management, MANAGE, Hyderabad
G. Bhaskar (2008) Application of Computer Software tool in preparation of Design and Estimates of structures in watershed programme, Osmania Journal of Management, Osmania University, Hyderabad
Dr. K. Uma Rani and G. Bhaskar (2011) Managerial Abilities of Women Headed Households, Journal of Agricultural Extension Management, MANAGE, Hyderabad
Dr. K. Uma Rani, Dr. K. Sai Maheshwari and G. Bhaskar (2008) Decision Making among Women – Headed Households, Journal of Agricultural Extension Management, MANAGE, Hyderabad
Vikram Singh, and G.Bhaskar (2007) Excel-Parle-Farmers: A case of Partnership, Journal of Agricultural Extension Management, MANAGE, Hyderabad
G.Bhaskar and Krishna Reddy (2006) Developing Location Specific Information Systems for farmers, Osmania Journal of Management, Osmania University, Hyderabad
G.Bhaskar and A.S.Charyulu ( 1999) Intranet - based information services: a case study of MANAGE OnLine paper presented at 18th SIS Conference at IMTEC, Chandigarh in January 1999.
V.P.Sharma, Lakshmi Murthy, G.Bhaskar, K.V.Rao (2000) Cyber Extension for Agriculture and Rural Development.
G.Bhaskar (2000), Developing Site Specific Information Systems: A new role in Cyber Extension. Presented in Faculty Forum, MANAGE, Hyderabad.
V.P. Sharma and G.Bhaskar (2004) Offbeat Opportunities in IT - Applications in Agriculture, a paper presented at seminar organized by Rotary Club of Hyderabad and CfBT Education Services, Hyderabad.
Contact Details
National Institute of Agricultural Extension Management (MANAGE)
Rajendranagar, Hyderabad- 500 030, Telangana, India
Phone : 040-24016702 to 706(O)
Mobile : 98483-06594