Present Work
- Batch Coordinator PGDM(ABM) Programme
- Implementation of the GoI Schemes such as Agriclinics & Agri Business Centre (AC& ABC, DAESI, STRY & FCAC in the state of Uttarakhanad
- Conducting Training Programmes in:
- Global Trade
- Monitoring and Evaluation
- Farmer Producer Organisations
- Public Private Partnerships
- Entrepreneurship Development
- Conducting Research Studies
- Teaching in Management Programmes
Previous Work Experience
- Training: Designing and coordinating training programmes in the areas of -
- participatory adoptive research
- Monitoring and Evaluation
- Global Trade
- Farmer Producer Organisations
- Public Private Partnerships
- Entrepreneurship Development
- International Training Programmes of Agriculture Extension Management for US AID for African Countries
- International training programme of Women in Agriculture
- International Workshop on "Re-visiting Agriculture Policies in the light of Globalization Experience: The Indian Context, 2014 jointly organized by MANAGE, Indian Society of Agricultural Economists & ISAP " 12-13 October
- Managed the PGABM of MANAGE as Batch Coordinator by managing the academic activities of the programme
- Management of Research Programmes
- IFAD sponsored Research Project on Participatory Adaptive Research in Tribal Areas of Andhra Pradesh
- Research study on "Farmers' Suicides in Andhra Pradesh - A diagnostic study
- Preparation of Perspective Plan for Nalgonda District for Food for Works Programme, World Bank Sponsored Repair, Renovation, and Restoration of Water Bodies in Andhra Pradesh
- Research Study on Post Project Sustainability of Manchal Watershed
- Monitoring and Evaluation of Repair, Renovation Restoration of Water Bodies - an IFAD Sponsored Project
- Evaluation of Agriclinics and Agribusiness Centers Scheme
- Social Benefits of Agriclinics & Agribusiness Scheme (going on)
Sessions in the Training Programmes
Conducting sessions in the training programmes of MANAGE Faculty on following themes:
- Participatory Monitoring and Evaluation
- Logical Framework Analysis
- Agreement on Agriculture and its implications on Indian Agriculture
- Public Private Partnerships - Farmer Producer Companies
- Carbon Credits and trading
- Agripreneurship Development in AC & ABC Scheme
- Monitoring and Evaluation techniques
- Projections Using a Flexible Demand System in India, Arthavijnan, June 1995, No.2, PP 138-155
- Report on "employment and Industry" for the workshop on "Review of Employment Trends and Programs in Andhra Pradesh - Potential Impact of Liberalisation" Edited by S. Sudhakar Reddy and L. Lakshmi Narayana, Centre for Economic and Social Studies" Begumpet, Hyderbad 1995
- Policies to combat hunger in Asian Countries - Paper presented to International Conference on Problems of Hunger and Food Security held at Osmania University, Hyderabad 1997
- India's Rice Exports, Can we sustain in the Long Run? Indian Grains, August, 1999
- Agriculture Development - Production and Productivity Possibilities in Andhra Pradesh" MANAGE Research and Extension Review, Vol 1 (1), Jan-June, 2000
- Socio-Economic Dynamics and Development Strategy for Participatory Adaptive Research Project - MANAGE, Rajendranagar, Hyd
- Determinants of Rice Trade in the World Market, MANAGE Research and Extension Review, Vol I, July-Dec 2000, N0.2
- Impact Evaluation of Andhra Pradesh Participatory Tribal Development Project, MANAGE
- Agri clinics and its impact on Agriprenuership Development, ICFAI Journal of Entreprenuership Development, June, 2007
- Impact of Agri clinics and Agri Business Centres on the Economic Status of the Farmers, ICFAI Journal of Agricuture Economics, July, 2007
- Problems and Prospects of India's Rice Trade Manage Research and Extension Review, June, 2009
- Intertemporal Variation in Sex Ratio in India - State wise analysis Presented and published in Workshop Volume of National Seminar on Social Development, Kakatity University, 25-26 April, 2011
- Status of Warehouse Receipt Financing in Andhra Pradesh, Indian Journal of Agriculture Marketing, Vol No. 26, No. 3 , 2012
- Status of India's Agricultural Exports - A Comparative Picture of Pre & Post WTO period submitted to Inter Conference Sympossium of IAAE held at MANAGE, Hyderabad during 13-14 October, 2014
- Institutional innovations and development of markets for agricultural services : A case of agriclinics and agri business centers (AC & ABC) Scheme in India presented and submitted to the 8th International Conference of Asian society of Agricultural Economists dated 15-17 October, 2014 at BRAC, Dhaka
- National Merit Scholarship, National Eligibility (NET of UGC) Certificate from University Grants Commission.
Trainings and Workshops Attended
- Coverdale Training conducted by MANAGE
- Indian Econometric Conference
- A.P. Economic Conference
- Training Programme on Project Management at IIM, Lucknow in the year 2000
- Direct Trainers Skills (DTS) conducted by DOPT at RIPA, Jaipur, 2005
- Evaluation of Training (EOT) conducted by DOPT at ISTM, New Delhi, 2006
- Media Workshop for Researchers, NIRD, Hyderabad, 2006
- Training Programme on Case Study Writing, MANAGE, Hyderabad, 2006
- National Merit Scholarship for two years to pursue the Post Graduation
- ICSSR Fellowship for carrying out the Ph.D work
IT Skills:
- Capable of computing the econometric models by using various packages such RATS, SPSS, STATA and Smart Suite. Working experience of MS Office.
Membership in Associations
- Life Member of Andhra Pradesh Economic Association
- Life Member of Society of Indian Journal of Agriculture Marketing
- Life Member Indian Econometric Society
- Member of Asian Society of Agricultural Economists
Contact Details
National Institute of Agricultural Extension Management (MANAGE)
(An Organization of Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare, Government of India)
Rajendranagar, Hyderabad- 500 030, Telangana, INDIA
Telephone: 040-24594554 (O)
Mobile Phone No.: 9010030111