Educational Qualifications
- Ph.D (Agricultural Economics) from Justus Liebig University, Giessen, Germany (2004-2008).
- M.Sc. (Ag. Economics) - Acharya N G Ranga Agricultural University, Agricultural College, Bapatla (2000-2002)
- B.Sc. (Ag) – Acharya N G Ranga Agricultural University, Agricultural College, Bapatla (1996-2000)
Previous Assignments
- 22/05/2017 – 31.03.2023 |Associate Professor, India | National Institute of Rural Development & Panchayati Raj, Hyderabad
Responsible to conduct Natural Resource Management, Climate Change and Disaster Mitigation research, trainings and policy advocacy
- 01/01/2014 – 19/05/2017 |Regional Researcher, India | International Water Management Institute, Hyderabad/New Delhi
Responsible to study the water and agriculture productivity, policy influence and advocacy, climate change adaptations strategies in agriculture, and public private partnerships, aimed at agriculture related economic growth and investments as well as poverty alleviation, in the South and South East Asian region.
- 11/05/2009 – 31/12/2013|Special Project Scientist, India | International Water Management Institute, Hyderabad
Responsible for studying the impact of climate change, coordinate the ongoing projects, develop research papers, reports and policy briefs.
Area of Specialisation
Agricultural Economics, Natural Resource Management, Environmental Economics, Water and Land management, Climate Change and Adaptation and Up-scaling
of Agricultural Technology
Research & Training
Climate change and adaptation in agricultural and water sectors, enhancing water productivity through participatory irrigation, upscaling of climate smart
agricultural technologies and water management practices, Conjunctive use of water management, Watershed Impact Assessment
- 2000-2002: Acharya N G Ranga Agricultural University Research Fellow award for the Masters Program
- 2004-2008: German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) award for the PhD program.
- 2009-2011: Return expert award from Centre for International Migration and Development (CIMD)-GIZ, Frankfurt, Germany.
Conferences & Workshops
- Organised National Workshop on Sustainable Livelihoods and Adaptation to Climate Change at NRD&PR Hyderabad (2019).
- Organised International Conference on Climate Change Water, Agriculture and Food Security (ICCCWAFS), 2016
- Workshop on Weather Index Insurance for Agricultural Risk Management, 2016
- Workshop on Climate Change Impact Assessment: Data analysis, 2015
- National Workshop on Climate Change and Water: Improving Water Use Efficiency, 2014
Teaching PG Programs
- Ecology, Environment and Production Systems (EEPS)
- Climate Change and Adaptation Strategies (CCAS)
Publications National and International
- Mahaling V. Hattalli, Kakumanu K R, Reddy D S, and Chary D S. 2021. A Study on business viability of Dragon fruit cultivation in Telangana. Research Journal of Agricultural Sciences 12(5): 1567-1571.
- Kaveri N, Kakumanu K R, Reddy D S, and Chary D S 2021. Constraints and Challenges faced by Hydroponic farmers in Hyderabad Region of Telangana State. Research Journal of Agricultural Sciences 12(6): 1956-1959.
- Kakumanu K R, Kotapati G R, Nagothu U S, Palanisami K, Kallam S R. 2019. Adaptation to climate change and variability: A case of direct seeded rice in Andhra Pradesh. Journal of Water and Climate Change. 10(2): 419-430.
- Anand S, Kakumanu K R, Amarasinghe U A. 2019. Use of remote sensing and GIS for identifying tanks and rehabilitation benefits to the rural areas. Journal of Rural Development 38 (1): 55-77
- Balasubramanian M, Anbukkani P, Nithyashree M L, Krishna Reddy K, Arivelarasan T (2019). Adoption and impact of water-saving technologies in NagarjunaSagar Project area of Andhra Pradesh. Agricultural Economics Research Review 32 (2): 229-238
- Kakumanu K R, Kaluvai Y R, Balasubramanian M, Nagothu U S, Kotapati G R, Karanam S. 2019. Adaptation to Climate Change: Impact of Capacity Building, India. Irrigation and Drainage 68: 50-58,
- Deelstra J, Nagothu U S, Kakumanu K R, Kaluvai Y R, Kallam S R. 2018. Enhancing water productivity using alternative rice growing practices: A case study from Southern India. The Journal of Agricultural Science 156: 673-679.
- Kakumanu K R, Kaluvai Y R, Nagothu U S, Lati N R, Kotapati G R, Karanam S. 2018. Building farm-level capacities in irrigation water management to adapt to limate change. Irrigation and Drainage 67:43-54. doi:10.1002/ird.2143
- Xenarios S, Kakumanu K R, Nagothu U S, Kotapati G R. 2017. Gender differentiated impacts from weather extremes: Insights from rural communities in South India. Environmental Development 24: 156-9.doi:10.1016/j.envdev.2017.05.002
- Palanisami K, Kakumanu K R, Nagothu U S, Ranganathan C R, Senthilnathan, S. 2017. Climate change and India’s future rice production: Evidence from 13 major rice growing states of India. SciFed Journal of Global Warming 1(2): 1-12.
- Aruna Kumari A and K Krishna Reddy. 2016. Comparative advantage of oilseeds and oil exports. The Journal of Research ANGRAU 44(3&4): 135-143.
- Kakumanu K R, Palanisami K, Ranganathan C R, Kumar S, and Haileslassie A. 2016. Assessment of risk premium in farm technology adoption as a climate change adaptation strategy in the dryland system of India. International Journal of Climate Change Strategies and Management 8 (5), 689-717.
- Palanisami K, Kakumanu K R, Ranganathan C R, and Nagothu U.S. 2015. Farm-level cost of adaptation and expected cost of uncertainty associated with climate change impacts in major river basins in India. International Journal of Climate Change Strategies and Management 7(1), 76-96. doi:10.1108/IJCCSM-04-2013-0059
- Amare H, Craufurd P, Thiagarajah R, Kumar S, Whitebread A, Rathor A, Blummel M, Ericsson P, Kakumanu K R. 2015. Empirical evaluation of sustainability of divergent farms in the dryland farming systems of India. Ecological Indicators60: 710-723.
- Krishna Reddy K, Gurava Reddy K, Chandrasekhar Reddy M, and Palanisami K 2015. Vulnerability assessment to Climate Change in Krishna River basin districts of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana States. The Journal of Research ANGRAU, Vol. 43 (3&4): 63-71
- Gurava Reddy K, Krishna Reddy K and Veeraraghavaiah R 2014. Are climate Change adaptations efficient in critical input utilization? A case of Clima rice II project adaptation practices in Andhra Pradesh, The Journal of Research ANGRAU, Vol. 42 (3&4): 100-105
- Bakken TR, Skarbovik E, Gosain A K, Palanisami K, Sauterleute J, Egeland H, KakumanuKR, Nagothu US, Harby A, Tirupataiah K and Stalnacke P. 2013. Water allocation with use of the Building Block Methodology (BBM) in the Godavari Basin, India. Journal of Sustainable development 6 (8): 93-107. doi:10.5539/jsd.v6n8p93
- Palanisami, K, Kakumanu K R, Suresh Kumar D, Chellamuthu S, Chandrasekar B, Ranganathan C R and Giordano M. 2012. Do investments in water management research pay? An analysis of water management research in India. Water Policy 14: 594-612. doi:10.2166/wp.2012.123
- Aggarwal PK, Palanisami K, Khanna M and Kakumanu KR. 2012. Climate change and food security of India: adaptation strategies for the irrigation sector. World Agriculture 3 (1): 20-26.
- Palanisami, K., Ranganathan, C.R., Kakumanu K.R., and UdayaSekharNagothu. 2011. A hybrid model to quantify the impact of climate change on agriculture in Godavari river basin. Energy and Environment Research 1(1): 32-52.
- Palanisami K, Mark G, Kakumanu KR and Ranganathan CR. 2011. The stabilization value of groundwater: evidence from Indian tank irrigation systems. Hydrogeology Journal. 20 (5), 933-941.doi:10.1007/s10040-011-0793-3.
- Palanisami K, Kadiri Mohan, Kakumanu K R and Raman S. 2011. Spread and economics of micro irrigation in India – Evidences from nine states. Economics & Political Weekly, Vol. XLVI Nos 26 & 27, June 25, 2011v
- Ranganathan C R, Palanisami K, Kakumanu K R and Agastin B. 2010. Mainstreaming the adaptations and reducing the Vulnerability of the poor due to climate change. ADBI Working Paper Series 333, Tokyo: Asian Development Bank Institute.
- Krishna Reddy Kakumanu and Siegfried Bauer. 2008. Conjunctive use of water: Valuing of groundwater under irrigation tanks in semi-arid region of India. International Journal of Water, Vol. 4, No. 1/2, pp.87-104. doi:10.1504/IJW.2008.018149
- Krishna Reddy K, Ranga Rao P A and Raju VT. 2004. Estimation of Inadequate Scale of Finance for Paddy and Chilli crops by Lead Bank in Guntur District. Andhra Agricultural Journal, Vol. No: 51(1&2): 224-226
- Krishna Reddy K, Ranga Rao P A and Shareef SM. 2004. Resource productivity and resource use efficiency of paddy in Guntur district of Andhra Pradesh. Andhra Agricultural Journal, Vol. No: 51 (3 & 4): 508-512
- Ravindra S Gavali, Kakumanu K R, Suresh Babu v, Subrat K Mishra (Eds.) (2019). Climate change adaptation and sustainable livelihoods. National Institute of Rural Development and Panchayati Raj, Hyderabad, India. ISBN: 978-81-944719-6-7.
- Palanisami K, Kakumanu K R, Nagothu U S, Rangantahan CR. 2019. Climate change and future rice production in India: A cross country study of major rice growing states of India. Springer, 250p, ISBN 978-981-13-8362-5
- Krishna Reddy K, Suresh Babu V, Ravindra S Gavali. 2019. Sustainable livelihoods and adaptation to climate change- Training Manual, National Institute of Rural Development and Panchayati Raj, Hyderabad, India. ISBN: 978-81-940333-7-0
- Palanisami K, Ranganathan CR, UdayaSekharNagothu, Kakumanu KR. 2014. Climate change and agriculture in India: Studies from selected river basins, Routledge-Taylor & Francis group, New Delhi, ISBN 978-0-415-73599-5
- Kakumanu K R 2009. Economic Analysis and Management of Irrigation Systems under Subsidized Electricity Regime in the Semi-arid Region of Andhra Pradesh, India. Farming & Rural Systems Economics, Vol.99, Margraf Publishers, ISBN 978-3-8236-1552-1
Book Chapters
- Kakumanu K R, Ravindra S Gavali, V Suresh Babu, V Srinivasa Rao, and Utkarsh Ghate (2019). Capacity building impacts on adaptation of climate resilient interventions in India. In Ravindra S Gavali, Kakumanu K R, Suresh Babu v, Subrat K Mishra (eds.) Climate change adaptation and sustainable livelihoods. Chapter 1, pp.1-25, National Institute of Rural Development and Panchayati Raj, Hyderabad, India. ISBN: 978-81-944719-6-7
- Kakumanu K R, Palanisami K, Nagothu U S, Kotapati G R, Maram S, Gattineni S R. 2019. Making weather index insurance effective for agriculture and livestock forage: lessons from Andhra Pradesh, India. In Mapedza E, Tsegai D, Bruntrup M, McLeman (eds.) Drought Challenges –Policy options for developing countries, Vol.2, Elsevier, chapter 12, pp.183-194, ISBN: 978-0-12-814820-4
- Kakumanu K R. 2018. Water and energy efficient technologies to address climate change in Ganges. In Giridhar M V S S (eds) Proceedings of 5th National Conference on Water, Environment & Society (NCWES-2018), 4-6 June, 2018, Hyderabad, India. BS publications, pp.50-57, ISBN: 978-93-87583-72-5
- Palanisami K, Mohanasundari T, Kakumanu K R. 2016. Policy support: Challenges and opportunities in abiotically stressed agroecosystem. In Paramjit Singh M, Jagadish Rane, and Ratna Kumar Pasala (eds.) Abiotic Stress Management for Resilient Agriculture, Springer, ISBN 978-981-10-5743-4
- Kakumanu K R, Tesfai M, Borrell A, Nagothu U S, Suresh Reddy K, Gurava Reddy K. 2016. Climate smart rice production systems: Studying the potential of alternate wetting and drying Irrigation. In Nagothu U S (eds.) Climate change and agricultural development: Improving resilience through climate smart agriculture, agroecology and conservation, Earthscan Food and Agriculture, Routledge, UK. ISBN 978-1-138-92227-3
- Deelstra J, K R Kakumanu, S R Kallam, U S Nagothu, V GeethaLakshmi, ALakhsman and Arasu. 2016. Water Productivity Under Different Rice Growing Practices: Results from farmer led field demonstrations in India. In Nagothu U S (eds.) Climate change and agricultural development: Improving resilience through climate smart agriculture, agroecology and conservation, Earthscan Food and Agriculture, Routledge, UK. ISBN 978-1-138-92227-3
- Kakumanu KR, Palanisami K, PramodKumar Agarwal, Ranganathan C R, Nagothu U S. 2016. Adaptation strategies to address the climate change impacts in three major river basin in India. In Hoanh, C.T., Johnston, R and Smakhtin(eds.) Climate change and agricultural water management in developing countries, CAB International, London. ISBN-13: 978 1 78064 366 3
- Palanisami K, Kakumanu K R and Malik RPS.2015. Water pricing experiences in India: Emerging issues. In Ariel Dinar, Victor Pochat and Jose Albiac (eds.) Water pricing experiences and innovations, Global Issues in Water Policy 9, Springer International publishing Switzerland, pp 161-180, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-16465-6_9
- Kakumanu KR, Palanisami K, Gurava Reddy K., Udaya Sekhar Nagothu, Tirupataiah K, Ashok B and Xenarios S. 2013. An insight on farmers’ willingness to pay for insurance premium in south India: Hindrances and challenges, In Gommes, R and Kayitakire, F in (eds.) The challenges of index-based insurance for food security in developing countries, pp.137-145, European Union, Luxembourg.
- Kakumanu KR, Gurava Reddy K, Devender Reddy M, and Vidya Ramesh. 2012. Micro Irrigation: Economics and outreach in Andhra Pradesh state. In Palanisami, K., Raman, S. and Mohan. K. (eds.) Micro-Irrigation: Economics and outreach, Macmillan Publishers India Ltd., New Delhi. ISBN 978-935059-062-1
- Kakumanu K R, Udaya Sekhar Nagothu, Tirupataiah Kota. 2012. The Godavari River Basin, India: Challenges in Assessment, Use and Management of Water Resources across River Basins in (eds.) Water and Climate Change: An integrated Approach to address adaptation challenges, pp.39-58, Macmillan publishers India Ltd., New Delhi ISBN. 978-935-059-059-1
- Johannes Deelstra, Kakumanu K R, Rajesh Kumar Rai, Udaya Sekhar Nagothu.2012. Water Use Efficiency testing and improvement in the Godavari river basin in (eds.) Water and Climate Change: An integrated Approach to address adaptation challenges, pp.105-122, Macmillan publishers India Ltd., New Delhi. ISBN 978-935-059-059-1
- Per Stålnacke, MehreteabTesfai, Krishna Reddy Kakumanu.2012. Water Quality in Manjeera River, Godavari Basin in (eds.) Water and Climate Change: An integrated Approach to address adaptation challenges, pp.123-142, Macmillan publishers India Ltd., New Delhi, ISBN 978-935-059-059-1
- David N. Barton, Krishna Reddy Kakumanu, Palanisami K and Kota Tirupataiah. 2012. Analysis of economic incentives to manage risk at farm level in the context of climate change in (eds.) Water and Climate Change: An integrated Approach to address adaptation challenges, pp.143-168, Macmillan publishers India Ltd., New Delhi. ISBN 978-935-059-059-1
- Palanisami K, Krishna Reddy Kakumanu, Udaya Sekhar Nagothu, Ranganathan CR and David N Barton. 2012. Vulnerability assessment, impacts of climate change on agricultural production in the Godavari river basin, India in (eds.) Water and Climate Change: An integrated Approach to address adaptation challenges, pp.169-193, Macmillan publishers India Ltd., New Delhi. ISBN 978-935-059-059-1
- Palanisami K, Ranganathan C R, Krishna Reddy Kakumanu and UdayaSekharNagothu.2012. Impact of Climate Change on Agriculture and Optimum Land and Water use Planning: Evidence from Sri Ram Sagar Project, Godavari Basin in (eds.) Water and Climate Change: An integrated Approach to address adaptation challenges, pp.194-237, Macmillan publishers India Ltd., New Delhi. ISBN 978-935-059-059-1
- Krishna Reddy Kakumanu 2007. “Participatory Irrigation Management by Water Users Associations in South India: Can Moral Suasion Bridge the Gap in Collective Action?” in (eds.) Farming and Rural Systems Economics: Issues and challenges in Rural Development, Vol. No: 87, 131-145, Margraf publishers. ISBN 978-3-8236-1503-3
Research Reports
- Kakumanu K R, Srikanth M, Ravindra S Gavali, Veneet J Kalloor, Shrikant V M. 2022. Demonetisation and its impact on Indian Agriculture: A critical Analysis. NIRDPR Research Report Series 136, ISBN: 978-93-91412-16-6.
- Kakumanu K R, Shrikant V M, Ravindra S Gavali, Suresh Babu V. 2019. Re-looking into micro-irrigation models and macro issues for up-scaling in India. NIRDPR Research Report.
- Amarasinghe U A, Muthuwatta L, Smakthin V, Surinaidu L, Natarajan R, Chinasamy P, Kakumanu K R, Prathapar S A, Jain S K, Ghosh N C, Singh S, Sharma A, Jain S K, Kumar S and Goel M K. 2016. Reviving the Ganges water machine: Potential and challenges to meet increasing water demand in the Ganges river basin. IWMI Research Repot 167. 42p
- Palanisami K, Amare H, Kakumanu K R, Ranganathan C R, Wani S P, Craufurd P and Kumar S. 2015. Climate change, gender and adaptation strategies in dryland systems of South Asia: A household level analysis in Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and Rajasthan states of India. Research Report No. 65, International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT), Research Program-Resilient Dryland System, Patancheru, Telangana, India.
- Palanisami K, Amare H, Kakumanu K R, Ranganathan C R, Wani S P, Craufurd P and Kumar S. 2015.Quantification of risk associated with technology adoption in dryland systems of South Asia: a household level analysis in Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and Rajasthan states of India. Research Report No. 66, International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT), Research Program-Resilient Dryland System, Patancheru, Telangana, India.
- Palanisami K, Kakumanu K R, Ranganathan C R, Amare H and Wani S P. 2015. Mapping of household vulnerability and identification of adaptation strategies in dryland systems of South Asia. Research Report No. 67, International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT), Research Program-Resilient Dryland System, Patancheru, Telangana, India.
- Xenarios S, Kakumanu K R, Kallam S R, Nagothu U S. 2014. Does climate change aggravate gender inequalities? Empirical assessment from South India.Bioforsk report- Vol. 9 (86). ISBN: 1978-82-17-01286-3
Policy briefs
- Kakumanu K R, Gavali R S, Babu V S, Rao V S, Ghate U. 2019. Policy brief on sustainable livelihoods and adaptation to climate change-Bihar: Based on the results from SLACC project area. NIRDPR, Rajendrangar, Hyderabad, India
- Nagothu U S, Yella R K, Krishna Reddy K, Geethalakshmi V, Anabel N J. 2017. Climate change and adaptation in agriculture and water sectors: Technology and policy inputs, Andhra Pradesh state, India. ClimaAdapt Policy Manual, April 2017.
- Nagothu U S, Krishna Reddy K, Yella R K, Geethalakshmi V, Anabel N J 2017. Climate Change adaptation in agriculture and water sectors: Policy inputs for Telangana State, India. ClimaAdapt Policy Manual, April 2017.
- Nagothu U S, Geethalakshmi V, Yella R K, Krishna Reddy K, Anabel N J 2017. Climate Change adaptation: Technology and policy options for Tamil Nadu, India. ClimaAdapt Policy Manual, April 2017.
Contact Details
Dr. K. Krishna Reddy
Director (ICT)
National Institute of Agricultural Extension Management (MANAGE)
(An Autonomous Organization of Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare, Government of India)
Rajendranagar, Hyderabad- 500 030, Telangana, INDIA
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Telephone: +91-40-24594536 (Direct); +91-40-24594509, Extn: 536
Mobile Phone No.: +91-9676365553
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