Ph.D. (Sericulture)
Present Work
Joined MANAGE in 1994. Coordinating the activities of Participatory Watershed Programme in Manchal Mandal, Rangareddy District. Actively involved in planning, development and implementation of watersheds at the field level. The works include creating awareness; facilitation; capacity building of all the stakeholders; liaison with DPAP, District level officers and the farmers and other developmental schemes / programmes.
Concentrates on mobilization and motivation of women beneficiaries in the watershed and works for the equity of poor and women. Sharing experiences in these areas in several training programmes of various organisations.
Work experience
Worked as Sericulture-cum-Zoology Lecturer in Viswodaya Govt. Degree College, Nellore.
Worked as Research Assistant in ANTWA Project (March, 1995);
Watershed Development Team Member in Manchal Watershed Project (Nov. 1995).
Training attended
Training Programme on "Team Building Skills - A Systematic Approach" at MANAGE - 1997.
Training programme on Participatory Watershed Management.
Orientation-cum-Training Programme on "Participatory Watershed Management" at Paderu.
New guidelines in Participatory Watershed Management for Rajasthan participants.
Participatory Planning of Watershed Management sponsored by DOPT, Govt.of India
Training of Project Directors of DRDAs on Watershed Management
Participatory Management of Watershed Programme for IFS Officers.
Distinction in PGDS (Post-Graduate Diploma in Sericulture) - 1990.
Diploma / certificate
Post-Graduate Diploma in Sericulture (PGDS)
Diploma in Computer Application (DCA)
Certificate Course in MS Office - NIIT
Research Study
Sericulture :"Bio-chemical studies on the silkworm Bombyx mori(L) with special reference to different races and seasons".
The study on the bio-chemical aspects of the silkworm are expected to provided information on the suitability of different races to the prevailing environmental conditions in Tirupathi and similar conditions in other regions. Further, the changes in bio-chemical parameters during 5th instar would also provide insights into the bio-chemical preparations leading to the eventual production of silkthread.
IT skill set
Familiar with MS Office
Has experience in preparation of all reports and sending them to funding agencies through computers.
Communicate information to WC/WA members of PIA through e-mail.
Simplified Social fencing concept for natural regeneration of forest land in Japal village of Rangareddy district of Andhra Pradesh, India.
Video on Manchal Watershed in collaboration with DPAP
Indigenous Technical Knowledge at Manchal Mandal, Rangareddy Dist.
Contact Details
National Institute of Agricultural Extension Management (MANAGE)
Rajendranagar, Hyd- 500 030, Telangana, India
Phone : 040-24016702 to 706 (O), 4721166 (R)
Mobile : 98480-58124