Present Work
Joined MANAGE on January 2, 2023, and currently serving in the Center for Agribusiness Management at the National Institute of
Agricultural Extension Management (MANAGE) in Hyderabad, India.
- Ph.D. in Agriculture Extension& Communication from Faculty of Agriculture-Wadura, Sher -e- Kashmir University of Agricultural Science of Technology-Kashmir(J&K).
- M.Sc. (Agri.) in Extension Education from College of agriculture-Parbhani, Vasantrao Naik Marathwada Krishi Vidyapeeth, Maharashtra.
- B.Sc. (Agriculture) from College of agriculture- Rajendra nagar, Acharya N.G. Ranga Agricultural University, Andhrapradesh.
Professional Qualifications
- Agricultural Scientist Recruitment Board (ICAR)-National Eligibility Test-2021 qualified in Agriculture Extension.
Previous Professional Experience
- Senior Research Fellow at ICAR-ATARI-Zone-10, Hyderabad
- Published one book, five chapters, twenty research papers, fifteen Abstracts, and seventeen popular articles (English and Telugu Languages).
Research Paper published in national journal:
- Naresh, K., Ahire,R.D.(2018):Personal profile of tribal farmers for their information management in marathwada region: Research Journal of Agricultural Sciences:9(special):111-113.
- Naresh, K., Ahire,R.D.(2018):Assessing the information management behaviour of tribal farmers in marathwada region of Maharastra State: Multilogic Science:VIII(XXV):185-187.
- Naresh, K., Ahire,R.D.(2017):Information management behaviour of tribal Farmers in marathwada region of Maharastra State: Multilogic Science:VI(XIX):136-137.
- Naresh,K., Dar,M.H. ,Bhat,S.H., Kubrevi, S.S.,Peer, Q.J.A.(2021): Information acquisition behaviour of rice growers under seed village programme in district Baramulla (J&K): Indian Journal of Extension Education:57(2):243-245.
- Meenia,P., Naberia,S.,Naresh,K., Lairenjam,G.,Farooq,F.(2021):Extent of Adoption of Recommended dairy practices by the dairy farmers in Jabalpur district of Madhya Pradesh, India: Indian Journal of Extension Education:57(2):246-248.
- Iqbal,B.,Ahmad,M.,Bhat,R.A.,Ahngar,T.A.,Beigh,M.A.,Saraf,S.A.,Maqbool,S.,Akhter,F.,Badrudurez,Rashid,Z.,Wani,M.A.,Khan,S.H.,Gani,G.,Naresh,K.,,Rashid,M.(2021):Problems faced by vegetable growers in district Budgam,J&K: Asian Journal of Agricultural Extension, Economic & Sociology: 39(12):180-184.
- Yousuf,D.,Dar,M.A.,Bhat,T.A.,Peer,Q.J.A.,Naresh,K.(2022):Knowledge and skill assessment of farmers regarding cherry cultivation practices. The study in district Baramulla of Jammu and Kashmir (U.T.), India: Asian Journal of Agricultural Extension, Economic & Sociology: 40(7):51-63.
- Naresh,K.,Dar,M.A., Kubrevi,S.S.,Wani,N.U.I.,Meenia,P.(2022): Evaluation of Extension Contact of Rice Growers under Seed Village Programme in District Baramulla (J&K): Journal of Community Mobilization and Sustainable Development:2(Seminar Special Issue):361-367.
- Naresh, K., Dar,M.A., Meenia,P., Rashid,I., Farhana and Manobharathi, K.(2021): Rice Growers in District Baramulla use an Impersonal Cosmopolite Channel under the Seed Village Program (J&K). Indian Journal of Extension Education 57(4):106-110.
- Meenia,P., Naberia,S., Naresh,K. and Bashir,M.(2021): Socio- Personal, Economic, Communicational and Psychological Characteristics of Dairy Farmers of Jabalpur District, Madhya Pradesh. Indian Journal of Extension Education 57(4):73-77.
- Rashid,I., Ahmad Peer,Q.A., Chesti, M. H.,Farhein,H., and Kethavath,N.,(2022): Perception Level of Apple Growers in Relation to Soil Health Card Scheme in Kashmir Valley. Indian Journal of Extension Education 58(1):96-100.
- Naresh,K., Dar,M.A., Meenia,P and Bhat,S.H.(2023): Information Processing Behaviour of Rice Growers under Seed Village Programme in District Baramulla (J&K).Journal of Community Mobilization and Sustainable Development 18(1):231-234.
- Meenia,P., Naberia,S.,Kisku,U. and Naresh,K.(2023): Technological Status of Dairy Farmers Regarding Recommended Dairy Practices in Jabalpur District of Madhya Pradesh. Journal of Community Mobilization and Sustainable Development 18(1):235-238.
- Naresh,K., Dar,M.A., Meenia,P., Rashid,I. and Farhana. (2022): Personal-Localite Channels of Rice Growers under Seed Village Programme in District Baramulla (J&K). Indian Journal of Extension Education 58(3):102-105.
- Naresh,K., Dar,M.A., Hakeem,A.H.,Sheikh,F.A., Bhat,M.A.,Wani,F.J., Meenia,P., Manobharathi8,K., Rashid,I. and Farhana. (2022): Personal-cosmopolite Channels of Rice Growers Under Seed Village Programme in District Baramulla (J&K). Indian Journal of Extension Education 58(2):101-105.
- Meenia,P., Seema Naberia, Naresh,K. and Mehvish Bashir. (2022): Constraints Perceived by Dairy Farmers in Adoption of Recommended Dairy Practices and Suggestions to Overcome Constraints in Jabalpur District of Madhya Pradesh. Indian Journal of Extension Education 58(3):115-117.
Research Paper published in international journal:
- Naresh, K., Ahire,R.D.(2018):Relationship between personal profile and information management in marathwada region: International Journal of Agricultural Science and Research:8(2):71-76.
- Naresh, K., Ahire,R.D.(2018):Constraints experienced by tribal farmers in the information management: Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci:7(3):1230-1233.
- Manobharathi,K.,Bhat,S.H.,Naresh,K.,Farhana.(2020):Job satisfaction of agricultural extension functionaries for dissemination of information in district Baramulla of Jammu &Kashmir: Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci :9(7):3789-3796.
- Naresh,K and Venkataramulu,M.(2023):Information dissemination behaviour of rice growers under Seed Village Programme in district Baramulla, Jammu and Kashmir: International Journal of Farm Sciences: 13(4): 61-64.
- Naresh, K.,Puja,M.,Balaji,N.G.KV. and Vikas,P.(2022):Agricultural Extension & Communication at a Glance.Varanasi,Kushal Publications and Distributors.
Book Chapter
- Naresh,K.(2019):Instructional Material has on Impact on the Clientele Group: Dr.R.Jayakumar(Ed).Research Trends in Multidisciplinary Research. (pp13-45).New Delhi: AkiNik Publications.
- Naresh,K.,Puja,M.(2019):Virtual Learning Environment:Muhammed Rafi.N(Ed).Sketches on Developing India: A Socio Economic Perspective.(pp302-310).Wayanad, Kerala:Academic Publications Wing.
- Naresh,K.,Puja,M.(2019):Family Welfare in India: Muhammed Rafi.N(Ed).Sketches on Developing India: A Socio Economic Perspective.(pp351-358).Wayanad, Kerala:AcademicPublications Wing.
- Manobharathi,K.,Naresh,K. and Bhat,S.H.(2021):Agriculture Extension for Climate Smart Agriculture:Hasan,W.,Mundhe,S.G.,Ansari,A.M. and Kumari,S (Ed).Implications for Climate Smart Agriculture.(pp131-145). New Delhi. Biotech books.
- Naresh,K., Balaji,N.G.KV., Dar, M.A.and Puja,M.(2022):Agri-Entrepreneurship Market Prospects:Sevak,A.,Shubhangin,D.,Milind,C.G.,Prabhatkumar,A.,Gorantiwar,S(Ed).Agri-Entrepreneurship Challenges and Opportunities.(pp66-77). New Delhi: Jaya Publishing House.
Awards and Medals
- National Fellowship for Schedule Tribe (2019-2024).
- Research Excellence Award 2020, InSc Unit of SPDL.
- National Conference on AGMET-2021(National level 2nd Rank in Best Oral presentation Award).
- International Conference on Pulses: Smart Crops for Agricultural Sustainability and nutritional Security-2023 (Best Poster Award)
Memberships of Professional Societies
- Life Member of the Society for Community Mobilization for Sustainable Development (Membership No:1684).
- Professional membership with lifetime Validity, InSc Unit of SPDL (InSc2020DBDA).
- Life Member of the Society of Extension Education, Agra from February 16,2023 (Regd,No:AS/3187).
- Life Member of the Society for Advancement of Human and Nature (SADHNA), (LM#4948; Dated: 07-11-2023).
Memberships of Academic Societies
- Member, Editorial Board, Multilogic in science (Journal of Applied Science).
Online Course
- Fundamentals of Agricultural Extension, an eight-week online course (30th June, 2020),
- Digital Teaching Techniques, (1-31, December,2021),
- Statistical Techniques for Agriculturists, a Six-week online course, (26th, July,2022),
International level Training Programme Attended
- Web-Based International Training on Automation and Robotics in Agriculture: organized by Department of Farm Machinery and Power Engineering, PAU-Ludhiana (India), July 22-31,202.
- Online International Training Programme (10 days) On Climate Risk Assessment and Its Management through Agrometerological Approaches: organized by DARS, Rangreth SKUAST-K from 21-30, Oct, 2020.
- International Faculty Development Program (07 days) On Improving the Writing Skills of Early Career Researchers:Jointly Organized by SKUAST-K&Just Agriculture Education Group from 15-21 December,2022.
National level Training Programme Attended
- Training Programme on Concepts to be Promoted under Extension Reforms (ATMA): NIAEM) MANAGE, Hyderabad, December16-20, 2013.
- Online training programme on Market Linkage through Market Intelligence and Social Media: CCSNIAM, Jaipur, Rajasthan, June 01, 2020.
- Training Programme (six days) on Conventional and Molecular Approaches for Crop Improvement under Changing Climatic Scenario, organized by DARS under IDP-NAHEP, SKUAST-K from December 14-19, 2020.
- MANAGE Online Training Program on “Strengthening of Rainfed Production Systems for Sustainable Agriculture”:23-25th August, 2022.
- MANAGE Online Collaborative Training Program on “Non Wood Forest Produce and Livelihood Opportunities”:18-20 October, 2022.
- MANAGE Online Training Program (3 days) on “Entrepreneurship Development in Pulses” Organized by ICAR-IIPR, Kanpur,U.P, In collaboration with MANAGE,Hyderabad, during November 01-03,2022.
- Online Collaborative Training Program on “Farm diversification and dimensions on resource conservation’’ Organized by MANAGE-ICAR-IISWC-RC-Kota, Rajasthan: 16-18, November, 2022.
- AGRICULTURE 4.0:The Future of Farming Technology & Agripreneurship Development Organized by SKUAST-Kashmir, AEEFWS, Punjab and Just Agriculture-The Magazine during 10th November to 24th November,2022.(15 Days International Training cum Workshop Programme).
- Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore, and National Institute of Agricultural Extension Management (MANAGE), Hyderabad, organized collaborative Online Training on “Leadership Skills & Management Techniques” from August 21 to 25, 2023.
International level Conferences / Seminar /Webinar/ Workshop Attended
- International Conference on Invigorating Transformation of Farm Extension towards Sustainable Development: Futuristic challenges and Prospects; TNAU, Coimbatore (9th-10th March, 2018).
- International Extension Education Conference on Role of NGOs in Extension Services: Opportunities and Challenges; BHU,Varanasi (U.P.),(27th-30th December,2020.).
- International Conference on Innovative and Current Advances in Agriculture and Allied Sciences (ICAAAS-2022) during 12-14 June 2022 at Himachal Pradesh University, Summer Hill, Shimla, H.P., India. : Oral Presentation.
- International Conference on Pulses: Smart Crops for Agricultural Sustainability and Nutritional Security (ICPULSES-2023) during 10-12 February, 2023 at NASC,New Delhi, India: Best Poster Presentation Award.
National level Conferences / Seminar /Webinar/ Workshop Attended
- National Conference on Enhancing Productivity of Oilseeds in Changing Climate Scenario, ICAR-Director of Groundnut Research, Junagadh, Gujarat (7th-9th April, 2018).
- Online Workshop on Agricultural Innovation: Scenario &Paradigms under IDP-NAHEP SKUAST-Kashmir, (28th April-4th May, 2020).
- National Webinar on E-Education in Agricultural Sciences in the age of Social Distancing: Opportunities, Challenges and Strategies, ASSAM Agricultural University.
- National Seminar on Empowerment of Rural Youth with Novel Agricultural Technology (ERYNAT-2022), ANGRAU, (28Th and 29th, January,2022):Oral Presentation.
- National Conference on Managing Weather and Climate Risks in Agriculture (AGMET-2021): SKUAST-Kashmir,(24-26th,March,2022);Oral Presentation.
- National Conference on Food &Nutritional Security and Sustainable Agriculture: 15-16th April, 2022 (Hyderabad): Oral Presentation.
- National Seminar on Recent Advances in Science and Technology for Agriculture Sustainability(RASTAS-2022) 5-6th July,2022 Organized by Department of Botany, School of life Science, Central University of Kashmir, Ganderbal, Jammu and Kashmir-India :Oral Presentation.
- AGRICULTURE 4.0:The Future of Farming Technology & Agripreneurship Development Organized by SKUAST-Kashmir, AEEFWS, Punjab and Just Agriculture-The Magazine during 10th November to 24th November,2022.(15 Days International Training cum Workshop Programme).
Contact Details
Academic Associate
MANAGE Centre for a school of Agribusiness Management
National Institute of Agricultural Extension Management (MANAGE), Hyderabad, India.
Tel: 040-24594509
Mob: 8185812541, 7842912541
Fax: 040-24015388