Dr. Saravanan Raj is a Director (Agricultural Extension), National Institute of Agricultural Extension Management (MANAGE),
an autonomous organization of the Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, Government of India, Hyderabad.
Capacity Development of Agricultural Developmental Professionals
Since 2016, 406 national and international training programs, workshops, conferences and webinars were organised and 50,593 participated in the offline
and online programs on Agricultural innovation systems, new agricultural extension approaches and innovations, Navigating ICTs, digital and social media
for Agricultural extension, Value chain based extension, Agro-tourism, Agri-Starups and Agripreneusrship.
Leading Innovation and Incubation Center
CEO for the MANAGE-Centre for Innovations and Agripreneurship and supporting 330+ early stage startups from across India. Leading a team as Knowledge
Partner and Centre of Excellence in Agri-Business Incubation to support partner Agri-Business Incubation centres and Agri-Startups under the Rashtriya
Krishi Vikas Yojana - Remunerative Approaches for Agriculture and Allied Sector Rejuvenation (RKVY-RAFTAAR) scheme of the Ministry of Agriculture and
Farmers Welfare, Government of India (https://www.manage.gov.in/managecia/).
International Triangular Cooperation
- Leading a team for establishing an Agribusiness Incubator model in Malawi ‘AmayiHub’ under India-Germany- Malawi Triangular Cooperation for Women Empowerment in Agriculture and Food Systems. MANAGE, India, GIZ and Access Livelihoods Partnering with SMEDI, Malawi to support and mentoring of rural women entrepreneurs and Startups in Malawi (Since 2022- Ongoing).
- Earlier, he was Director for the Feed the Future India Triangular Training program for the capacity development of 11 African countries and six Asian countries (April- August 2018).
Consultancy Projects
Working on Consultancy project on Rural Women Entrepreneurs Program (WEP) for knowledge assessment and certification (2018-2023).
Assessment and certification of the women Community Resource Persons (CRPs) of Deendayal Antyodaya Yojana – National Rural Livelihood Mission (DAY-NRLM), Ministry of Rural Development, GoI (2018-20)
Co-ordinating MANAGE-Agricultural University Alliance
- Co-ordinator for the MANAGE-University alliance for advancing agricultural extension and advisory services with the focus on policy relevant research and market demand based curriculum.
- Pogramme Director for MANAGE Internships programme (2017-2020) and the MANAGE Young Agricultural Extensionist Programme, a community of practice for developing future ready young extensionists in rural India (2017-2018).
- He conducted series of Research scholars’ training program on Extension Research Methods, Research priories (2017-2019), future opportunities in Agricultural extension (2020-22) and MANAGE Agricultural Extension webinar Series on “Evening4Learning Webinars” during 2022.
- Director, Centre for Agripreneurship Development and Scheme in-charge for the implementation of Agri-Clinics and Agri-Business Centres (AC & ABC) across India, a flagship programme of the Ministry of the Agriculture and farmers Welfare, GoI to train for self-employment by establishing agricultural consultancy and agri-business ventures among agricultural graduates during 2016-2019.
University Teaching, Research and Extension in North-East India
- Before joining to MANAGE, he worked as a faculty of Agricultural Extension for one and half decade in the Central Agricultural University (CAU- Imphal), Meghalaya and Arunachal Pradesh States of North-East India.
- Having experience of Teaching extension education and communication, Rural Sociology and Forest Tribology related courses for the B.Sc (Horticulture)/ Agriculture/ Forestry students and also a co-ordinated Rural Horticultural Work Experience Program (2002-2009 and 2014-2015).
- Taught course on advanced extension education, diffusion of innovations, research design, communication and e-Extension related courses for the M.Sc and Ph.D in agricultural extension scholars (2009- 2014).
- Guided four M.Sc (Agril.) in Agricultural Extension students for their thesis research as Chairman and also guided two MBA in Agri-Business Management Students for their MBA Project work.
- Implemented four innovative research projects on e-Agriculture, e-Arik, e-Village, e-AgriKiosk and m4agriNEI projects in Arunachal Pradesh and Meghalaya during 2007-2016.
- Facilitated for agricultural advisory services to the 3000 registered marginal and small land holding tribal farmers of 105 villages in four districts of Meghalaya state in North-East India (2012- 2013) through m4agriNEI project. Combination of advanced ICT tools (Smart phone, web portal, IVRS etc.) and conventional extension methods (face-face meetings, awareness meetings, Group discussions, demonstrations, expert field visit, exhibitions etc.) were used.
- Implemented ICT based agricultural advisory services project to support 2500 marginal and small land holding tribal farmers of 143 villages through e-Village and e-AgriKiosk projects (2008-12) and 500 registered marginal and small land holding tribal farmers of 12 villages through e-Arik project (2007-09) in Arunachal Pradesh State of North-East India.
World Bank Mission
Participated as an “ICT and Agricultural Extension Specialist” for the World Bank mission on Ghana Solution Assessment for Managing Agricultural Risks
during January to February, 2014 to provide solution assessment report and recommendation for improving farmer's access to agricultural extension by
using modern Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) and traditional extension systems in Ghana.
Awards and Fellowship
- Received Netherlands Government Fellowship (NFP/TP-Fellowship) (2006) and participated in the Advanced course on “Facilitating Multi-Stakeholder Processes and Social learning: – Advanced Course in Up-scaling Participatory Approaches”, during September, 2006 at Wageningen International, the Netherlands.
- PG and Ph.D research presentations among the SAARC Research Scholars as participants adjudged best research paper presentation awards in PGIA Annual Agricultural Congress, Peradeniya University, Sri Lanka in 2002 and 2003, respectively.
- Received Young Scientist Award (2001) for his research work on Farm communication in the Visva-Bharati University, Shantiniketan, West Bengal, India.
- Recipient of the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR)-Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) during 1997-99, for the M.Sc (Agril.) in Agricultural Extension.
International Visits
As part of the professional assignments and programs, visited Australia, Argentina, China, France, Germany, Ghana, Hong Kong, Jamaica, Kenya, Malawi, Nepal,
Netherlands, Philippines, Rwanda, Korea, Sri Lanka, Taiwan and USA.
Specialized in the area of public-private extension, privatisation of agricultural extension, institutional pluralism and innovations in agricultural extension,
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs), digital/social media for agricultural extension, agripreneurship, agri-startups and related policy issues.
Publication of Books
Authored and edited four books on “Agricultural Extension: Worldwide Innovations” (2008) and “ICTs for Agricultural Extension: Global Experiments,
Innovations and Experiences” (2010), ICT for Agriculture and Rural Development (2011), Mobile Phone for Agricultural Extension: Worldwide mAgri
Innovations and Promise for Future (2014) and co-edited “What works in Rural Advisory Services? Global Good Practice Notes (2018).
Research, Review Articles, Discussion and Working Papers
Contributed 74 research and review papers, 21 book chapters, 27 discussion and working papers.
Selected Research/ Review articles
- Vincent, A and Raj, Saravanan (2022). Agricultural extension system: What works and what does not? Implications for Tamil Nadu, Agricultural Research Journal, 59 (5), pp: 990-999, Article DOI : 10.5958/2395-146X.2022.00140.5
- Saravanan Raj and Sagar Deshmukh (2021).Scaling Agri-Startups and Enterprises, Kurukshetra (August 2021), A Journal on Rural Development. 69 (10), 42-47. (Download: https://saravananraj.in/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/Kurukshetra-Magazine-August-2021.pdf)
- Saravanan Raj and Ashwini, D (2020). Farming 2.0: Digitizing Agri Value Chain, Kurukshetra, (December 2020), A Journal on Rural Development. 69 (2), 33-37
- Vincent, Saravanan Raj, B. Suchiradipta (2019). Urban Farming: Knowledge Management and Impact – Lessons from Twin Cities of Hyderabad and Secunderabad, Journal of Agricultural Extension Management, Vol.20, No. 1
- Suchiradipta, B., Raj, Saravanan. (2018). The online culture of agriculture: exploring social media readiness of agricultural professionals. CSI Transactions on ICT (CSIT) 6, 289–299 (2018). https://doi.org/10.1007/s40012-018-0205-0
- Rebekka Syiem and Saravanan Raj (2015). Access and Usage of ICTs for Agriculture and Rural Development by the tribal farmers in Meghalaya State of North-East India. Journal of Agricultural Informatics. Vol. 6 (3). Pp: 24-41. journal.magisz.org/index.php/jai/article/view/190
- Suchiradipta Bhattacharjee and Saravanan Raj (2015) Agricultural Innovation Systems (AIS): A Study of Stakeholders and their Relations in System of Rice Intensification (SRI). Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension. Vol. 21 (4). http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/1389224X.2014.939200#.U93Y5mPQhco
- Saravanan, R, (2013) e-Agriculture Prototype for Knowledge Facilitation among Tribal Farmers of North-East India: Innovations, Impact and Lessons. Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension. Vol. 19 (2). Pp: 113-131. http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/1389224X.2012.718247
- Singh, R., Saravanan, R., Feroze, S.M., Deverani, L., Thelma R. Paris and Ray Lala, I.P., (2013) Impact Assessment of Climate Change on Animal Husbandry in North-Eastern Hill Region: Gender Perspective Study of Meghalaya. Bhartiya Krishi Anusandhan Patrika. Vol. 28 (1): Pp 45-50. http://www.indianjournals.com/%2Fijor.aspx?target=ijor:bkap&volume=28&issue=1&article=010&type=pdf
- Singh, R., Saravanan, R., Feroze, S.M., Deverani, L., and Thelma R. Paris (2012) A Case Study of Drought and its Impact on Rural Livelihood in Meghalaya. Indian Journal of Dryland Agriculture Research and Development. Vol. 27 (1). Pp: 90-94
- Saravanan, R., (2011), e-Arik: Using ICTs to Facilitate "Climate-Smart Agriculture" among Tribal Farmers of North-East India, ICTs and Agricultural Adaptation to Climate Change Case Study, Centre for Development Informatics, University of Manchester, UK. http://www.niccd.org/sites/default/files/NICCD_AgricAdapt_Case_Study_eArik.pdf
- Mercy Nesa Rani, P., Rajesh, T. and Saravanan, R., (2011), Expert Systems in Agriculture: A Review. Journal of Computer Science and Applications, Vol. 3 (1), pp. 59-71
- Saravanan, R, Raja, P. and Sheela Tayeng, (2009), Information Input Pattern and Information Needs Assessment among the Tribal Farmers of Arunachal Pradesh State. Indian Journal of Extension Education, Vol. 45, January-June Issue. Pp: 51-54.
- Saravanan, R, Veerabhadraiah, V and Shivalnge Gowda, N.S., (2009), A Scale to Measure the Farmers’ Extension Service Commitment in Public and Private Extension. Mysore Journal of Agricultural Sciences, Vol. 43 (2).
- Saravanan, R, Veerabhadraiah, V and Shivalnge Gowda, N.S., (2009), Indicators and Index to Measure the Public and Private Agricultural Extension Organizational Effectiveness. Mysore Journal of Agricultural Sciences, Vol.43 (1). Pp: 132-137
- Saravanan, R., (2008), Tribal Farmers Information Needs and ICT Preference Assessment, Agricultural Extension Review, Vol.20 (2). Pp: 27-29
- Saravanan, R, and Veerabhadraiah, V., (2007), Effectiveness Indicators of Public, Private and NGOs Agricultural Extension Programmes in Karnataka State, India. Journal of Extension Systems, Vol. 23 (1). Pp: 81-97. http://www.jesonline.org
- Saravanan, R, and Shivalinge Gowda, N.S., (2007), Attitude of Research Scholars towards Agricultural Research. Mysore Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 41(1) . Pp:113-116.
- Saravanan, R, and Veerabhadraiah, V., (2005), Clientele of Public, Private and NGOs Extension. Indian Journal of Extension Education, Vol. 41 (1&2). Pp: 48-53.
- Saravanan, R, Veerabhadraiah, V and Shivalinge Gowda, N.S., (2004), A Scale to Measure Client-Satisfaction and Accountability of Extension Personnel. Indian Journal of Extension Education, Vol. 40(1&2). Pp: 99-102.
- Saravanan, R., and Veerabhadraiah, V., (2003), Clientele Satisfaction and their Willingness to Pay for Public and Private Extension Services. Tropical Agricultural Research, Vol.15. Pp: 87-97.
- Saravanan, R. and Shivalinge Gowda, N. S., (2003), Contract Farming: Where We Gain and Lose? MANAGE Extension Research Review. Vol. IV (1). Pp: 32-43.
- Saravanan, R., (2002), Extension Education for Women: Need and Strategies. Third Concept, Vol. 16 (184). Pp: 28-29
- Saravanan, R and Bharathi, M., (2002), Problems of Farm Women and their Empowerment. Third Concept, Vol.15 (180). Pp: 41-43
- Saravanan, R, Shivalnge Gowda, N.S. and Narayana Gowda, K., (2001), Privatisation of Agricultural Extension Service –An Innovative Approach to Developing Countries. Agricultural Extension Review, Vol.13 (3). Pp: 7-9
- Saravanan, R and Resmy, C., (2001), Strategies for Empowering Women Cultivators. Agricultural Extension Review, Vol.13 (1). Pp: 3-7
- Saravanan, R and Shivalinge Gowda, N.S., (2001), Scientists Preferences towards Privatization of Agricultural Extension Services. Current Research, Vol. 35. Pp: 1-2.
- Saravanan, R, Shivalinge Gowda, N.S., and Lalith Achoth, (2000), Farmers Characteristics in Association with Attitude towards Privatization of Agricultural Extension Services. Mysore Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 34 (4) (2000). Pp: 369-375.
- Saravanan, R and Shivalinge Gowda, N.S., (2000), Privatization of Agricultural Extension Service in India – An Attitudinal Analysis. Tropical Agricultural Research, Vol.12 (2000). Pp: 226-235.
- Saravanan, R, Shivalinge Gowda, N.S.and Chandre Gowda, M.J., (1999), Expected consequences of Privatization of Agricultural Extension Service as perceived by Social Scientists. Current Research, Vol. 28. Pp: 115-116.
- Saravanan, R and Shivalinge Gowda, N.S., (1999), Development of a Scale to Measure Attitude towards Privatization of Agricultural Extension Service. Tropical Agricultural Research, Vol.11. Pp: 190-198.
- Saravanan, R, Shivalinge Gowda, N.S. and Narayana Gowda, K., (1999), Attitude of Farmers, Extension Personnel and Scientists towards Privatization of Agricultural Extension Service. Indian Journal of Extension Education, Vol. 35(3&4). Pp: 176-180.
Book Chapters
- Saravanan, Raj. and Garlapati S. (2020) Extension and Advisory Services for Climate-Smart Agriculture. In: Venkatramanan V., Shah S., Prasad R. (eds) Global Climate Change: Resilient and Smart Agriculture. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-32-9856-9_13. http://link-springer-com-443.webvpn.fjmu.edu.cn/chapter/10.1007%2F978-981-32-9856-9_13
- Suchiradipta, B., and Saravanan, R. (2020). ICTs for Agricultural Development and Food Security in Developing Nations. In Management Association, I. (Ed.), Environmental and Agricultural Informatics: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications (pp. 462-484). IGI Global. http://doi:10.4018/978-1-5225-9621-9.ch022 (Reprinted chapter-2020) https://www.igi-global.com/chapter/icts-for-agricultural-development-and-food-security-in-developing-nations/232976
- Saravanan, Raj and Suresh Chandra Babu (2015). Private approaches to extension and advisory services: A historical analysis. In: Yuan Zhou and Suresh Babu (Eds): Knowledge Driven Development: Private Extension and Global Lessons, Elesevier Publication.
- Saravanan Raj and Bhattacharjee Suchiradipta (2015). Role of ICTs in Family Farming: Experiences and Way Forward. In: M.L. Choudhary and Aditya (2015) Family Farming and Rural Economic Development. New India Publishing Agency, New Delhi.
- Saravanan, R., and Suchiradipta Bhattacharjee, (2014). Mobile Phone Applications for Agricultural Extension in India, In: Saravanan, R (Ed.). Mobile Phones for Agricultural Extension: Worldwide mAgri Innovations and Promise for Future, New India Publishing Agency, New Delhi.
- Suchiradipta Bhattacharjee, and Saravanan, R., (2014). Global Review on Mobile Phone Applications for Agricultural Extension, In: Saravanan, R (Ed.). Mobile Phones for Agricultural Extension: Worldwide mAgri Innovations and Promise for Future, New India Publishing Agency, New Delhi.
- Suchiradipta Bhattacharjee, and Saravanan, R., (2013). Youth and ICTs for Agricultural Development. In: Narayana Gowda, K., Nataraju, M.S. and Veerabhdraiah, V., (2013) (Eds.). Youth in Agriculture and Rural Development. New India Publishing Agency, New Delhi.
- Suchiradipta Bhattacharjee, and Saravanan, R., (2012). Poverty in Natural Prosperity: Can Agriculture Bring the Renaissance in North-East India?. In: Kashyap, Shivendra Kumar, Pathak, Awadhesh and Papnai Gaurav (Eds). Saving Humanity-Swami Vivekananda Perspective. Published by Vivekanand Swadhyay Mandal, G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar, Uttarakhand. Pp261-275
- Saravanan, R., (2010), India, Country Chapter No.: 5, In: Saravanan, R., (Ed.) ICTs for Agricultural Extension: Global Experiments, Innovations and Experiences, New India Publishing Agency, New Delhi.
- Saravanan, R., (2008), e-Arik, Arunachal Pradesh, In: Bagga, R. K. and Gupta, Piyush (Eds.) 2008, Transforming Governments: e-Government Initiatives in India, ICFAI Publications, Hyderabad Pp:260-269.
- Saravanan, R., (2008), India, Country Chapter No.: 5, In: Saravanan, R., (Ed.) Agricultural Extension: Worldwide Innovations, New India Publishing Agency, New Delhi.
- Saravanan, R., and Kamaraj, R., (2007), Natural Resource Management, Sustainable Agricultural Development in North-East India, In: Ali, Nursadh. (Ed.) Natural Resource Management and Sustainable Development in North-East India, Mittal Publications, New Delhi.
- Saravanan, R., Shivalinge Gowda, N.S., and Veerabhadraiah, V., (2005), Advanced Agricultural Extension Strategies. In: Adhikary, M.M., Acharya, S.K., and Basu, D., (Eds) Value Addition and Quality Issues in Agriculture and Allied Areas: Techniques and Challenges. Agro-tech Publishing Academy, Udaipur. Pp:323-23.
- Saravanan, R., (2001), Privatization of Agricultural Extension. In: Chandra Shekara, P., (Ed.) Private Extension in India: Myths, Realities, Apprehensions and Approaches. Published by National Institute of Agricultural Extension Management (MANAGE), Hyderabad, India. Pp: 60-71.
- Shivalinge Gowda, N.S. and Saravanan, R., (2001), Attitude and Preferences of Agricultural Scientists towards Privatization of Agricultural Extension Service. In: Chandra Shekara, P., (Ed.), Private Extension in India: Myths, Realities, Apprehensions and Approaches. Published by National Institute of Agricultural Extension Management (MANAGE), Hyderabad, India. Pp: 81-84.
- Saravanan, R., (2001), Case Studies on Private Extension. In: Chandra Shekara, P., (Ed.), Private Extension: Indian Experiences, Published by National Institute of Agricultural Extension Management (MANAGE), Hyderabad, India. Pp:175-186.
- Saravanan, R and Shivalinge Gowda, N.S., (2001), Agricultural Extension in the 21st Century: Challenges and Strategies. In: Hansra, B.S., Perumal, G and Chandrakandan, K., (Eds.), Modernising Indian Agriculture in 21st Century: Challenges, Opportunities and Strategies, Concept Publishing Company, New Delhi. Pp: 153-59.
- Arunachalam, P., Saravanan, R. and Anandaraja, N., (2001), Farmer Participatory Plant Breeding: An Innovative Approach in Technology Generation. In: Hansra, B.S., Perumal, G and Chandrakandan, K (Eds.), Modernising Indian Agriculture in 21st Century: Challenges, Opportunities and Strategies, Concept Publishing Company, New Delhi. Pp: 113-19.
- Saravanan, R and Shivalinge Gowda, N. S., (2000), Client Accountable Extension: A Strategy of Social Change for New Millennium. In: Mukhopadhyay, S.D. and Chowdhury, S. (Eds.) Social Transformation in Rural Sector, Published by Department of Agricultural Extension, Agricultural Economics and Agricultural Statistics, Visva-Bharati, Sriniketan, West Bengal, India. Pp: 346-354.
Proceedings of International/ National Conferences
- Saravanan, R. And Suchiradipta Bhattacharjee (2013). Mobile Phone and Social Media for Agricultural Extension: Getting Closer to Hype & Hope?. Proceedings of the third INSEE International Conference on “Extension Educational Strategies for Sustainable Agricultural Development – A Global Perspective” held on December 5th – 8th, 2013 at University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore, India
- Mercy Nesa Rani, P., Rajesh, T and Saravanan, R (2013). Development of Expert System to Diagnose Rice Diseases in Meghalaya State. Proceedings of the 2013 Fifth International Conference on Advanced Computing (ICoAC). IEEE.
- Saravanan, R. (2012). ICTs for Agricultural Extension in India: Policy Implications for Developing Countries. Proceedings of the AFITA/WCCA 20012-8th Asian Conference for Information Technology in Agriculture (AFITA) and World Conference on Computer in Agriculture (WCCA) during September, 3-6, 2012, at Taipei, Taiwan.
- Saravanan, R. (2012). e-Initiative for Agricultural Extension: Browsing for Logout?.Proceedings of the AFITA/WCCA 20012-8th Asian Conference for Information Technology in Agriculture (AFITA) and World Conference on Computer in Agriculture (WCCA) during September, 3-6, 2012, at Taipei, Taiwan.
- Saravanan, R., Kathiresan, C. and Lizamoni Chungkurang, (2011), e-Village Project: An Innovative e-Agriculture Initiative in Arunachal Pradesh State of North-East India. A Compendium of Pioneering Initiatives in e-Agriculture in India and Around the World, 14th National Conference on e-Governance, Aurangabad, India. 43-50.
- Saravanan, R., (2010), Traditional Knowledge, Innovation Systems and Democracy for Sustainable Agriculture: A Case Study on Adi Tribes of Eastern Himalayas of North-East India. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Innovation and Sustainable Development in Agriculture and Food (ISDA2010). http://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/docs/00/52/33/09/PDF/Raj_Saravanan_Traditional_knowedge.pdf
- Saravanan, R., (2010), Agricultural Knowledge Information Systems and Innovations for Technology Dissemination and Sustainable Agricultural Development. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Innovation and Sustainable Development in Agriculture and Food (ISDA2010). http://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/docs/00/52/61/24/PDF/Raj_Saravanan_Agricultural-Knowledge.pdf
- Saravanan, R., Veerabhadraiah, V. and Shivalinge Gowda, N.S., (2004), Public, Privae and NGOs Extension in India: New Institutional Pluralism for Agricultural Knowlegee Delivery. Proceedings of 4th International Crop Science Congress,Australia.
- Shivalinge Gowda, N.S. and Saravanan, R., (2002), Alternate Extension Education Approaches to Meet the Challenges in WTO Era. Proceedings of National Seminar on WTO & allied Issues- Seminar Papers Vol.II, Indian Institute of Foreign Trade, New Delhi.
- Saravanan, R., and Shivalinge Gowda, N.S., (2001), Emerging Trends in Extension Services for Agricultural Development. In: Virmani, S.S., Brar, D.S., Mamaril, C.P. and Arboleda, C. R. (Eds.) Food Security and Environment Protection in the New Millennium, Proceedings of the Asian Agriculture Congress (24-27 April 2001), IRRI, Manila, Philippines.
Global Good Practice Notes
- Saravanan, R., Rasheed Sulaiman, V., Davis, K. and Suchiradipta, B. 2015. Navigating ICTs for Extension and Advisory Services. Note 11. GFRAS Good Practice Notes for Extension and Advisory Services. GFRAS: Lindau, Switzerland. www.g-fras.org/en/download.html?download=351:ggp-note-11-navigating-icts-for-extension-and-advisory-services.
- Saravanan, R., Suchiradipta, B., Chowdhury, A., Hambly Odame, H. and Hall, K. 2015. Social Media for Rural Advisory Services. Note 15. GFRAS Good Practice Notes for Extension and Advisory Services. GFRAS: Lindau, Switzerland. www.g-fras.org/en/download.html?download=355:ggp-note-15-social-media-for-rural-advisory-services
- Saravanan, R., Suchiradipta, B., Meera, S.N., Kathiresan, C. and Anandaraja, N. 2015. Web Portals for Agricultural Extension and Advisory Services. Note 16. GFRAS Good Practice Notes for Extension and Advisory Services. GFRAS: Lindau, Switzerland. www.g-fras.org/en/download.html?download=356:gfras-ggp-note-16-web-portals-for-agricultural-extension-and-advisory-services
- Saravanan, R. and Suchiradipta, B. 2015. mExtension – Mobile Phones for Agricultural Advisory Services. Note 17. GFRAS Good Practice Notes for Extension and Advisory Services. GFRAS: Lindau, Switzerland. www.g-fras.org/en/download.html?download=349:ggp-note-17-mextension-mobile-phones-for-agricultural-advisory-services
Discussion and Working papers
- Suchiradipta, B. and Saravanan, R., 2016. Social media: Shaping the future of agricultural extension and advisory services, GFRAS interest group on ICT4RAS discussion paper, GFRAS: Lindau, Switzerland. Available at www.g-fras.org/en/knowledge/gfras-publications.html?download=414:social-media-shaping-the-future-of-agricultural-extension-and-advisory-services
- Vincent, A. and Saravanan, R. 2020. Agricultural Extension and Advisory Systems in Tamil Nadu. Working Paper 3, MANAGE Centre for Agricultural Extension Innovations, Reforms and Agripreneurship, National Institute for Agricultural Extension Management (MANAGE), Rajendranagar,Hyderabad,India. https://www.manage.gov.in/publications/working%20papers/MANAGE_%20Tamil%20Nadu_Working%20Paper3.pdf
- Saravanan, R., Ashwini, D. and Darshan, N.P., 2020. Agricultural Extension and Advisory Services: Serving Farming Community by Agripreneurship Amid COVID-19. Working Paper 4, MANAGE Centre for Agricultural Extension Innovations, Reforms and Agripreneurship, National Institute of Agricultural Extension Management (MANAGE), Rajendranagar, Hyderabad. https://www.agriclinics.net/MANAGE_WorkingPaper4-2020.pdf
- Suchiradipta, B. and Saravanan, R. 2017. Agricultural Extension Systems in Tripura. Working Paper 1, MANAGE Centre for Agricultural Extension Innovations, Reforms and Agripreneurship, National Institute for Agricultural Extension Management (MANAGE), Rajendranagar,Hyderabad,India. https://www.manage.gov.in/publications/working%20papers/tripura-1.pdf
(For more information and publications: www.saravananraj.in)