Deputy Director & Incharge head of the Center for Extension in Agricultural Allied Sectors
Dr. Shahaji Sambhaji Phand has joined MANAGE on 29th January, 2016. With Specialization in Animal Husbandry/Veterinary Extension, presently shouldering the responsibilities of strengthening allied sector extension management with focus on Animal Husbandry through organizing need based training program and workshop for senior, middle and field level extension professionals. Conducting action research, piolet testing and evaluation studies on allied sector extension management. Forging collaborative linkages with national and international institutions for sharing faculty resource and Developing and promoting ICT based applications/systems for effective information dissemination on animal husbandry sector.
Ph. D in Veterinary Extension Education from Indian Veterinary Research Institute (IVRI), Izatnagar, Bareilly, Uttar Pradesh, India. Completed in the year 2008 with the 8.03 CGP.
M. V. Sc. in Veterinary Extension Education from Indian Veterinary Research Institute (IVRI), Izatnagar, Bareilly, Uttar Pradesh, India. Completed in the year 2005 with the 8.28 CGP.
B. V. Sc. & A. H. from Maharashtra Animal and Fishery Science University (MAFSU), Nagpur, Maharashtra, India. Completed in the year 2002 with the 7.88 CGP.
Post-Graduate Diploma in Multimedia & Computer Programming (DMCP), from Computer Education Society, Bareilly, Uttar Pradesh, India. Completed in the year 2007 with the A+ Grade.
Maharashtra State Certificate Course in Information Technology (MS-CIT), from Maharashtra State Board Technical Education, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India. Completed in the year 2003 with the 77.00 percentage.
National Eligibility Test (NET) in Adult Education & Continuing Education, conducted by University Grant Commission (UGC), New Delhi, India in 2005.
National Eligibility Test (NET) in Veterinary Extension Education, conducted by Agricultural Scientist Recruitment Board (ASRB), New Delhi, India in 2006.
National Eligibility Test (NET) in Agricultural Extension, conducted by Agricultural Scientist Recruitment Board (ASRB), New Delhi, India in 2010.
Associate Professor/ Senior Scientist (Department of Veterinary and Animal Husbandry Extension) at Nanaji Deshmukh Veterinary Science University (NDVSU), College of Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry, Rewa, Madhya Pradesh, India. (November, 26th, 2012 to January, 23rd, 2016).
Assistant Professor/ Scientist (Department of Veterinary and Animal Husbandry Extension) at Nanaji Deshmukh Veterinary Science University (NDVSU), College of Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry, Rewa, Madhya Pradesh, India. (June, 26th, 2008 to November, 25th, 2012).
UG Teaching: B. V. Sc. & A.H. (2008-2016)
Ph. D Research on "Development of Need Based Animal Health Information System (AHIS) for Dairy Owners of Maharashtra" at Indian Veterinary Research Institute (IVRI), Izatnagar, Bareilly, Uttar Pradesh during 2005-2008.
M.V.Sc. Research on "A Study on Impact of Ralegan Siddhi Model for Rural Transformation of Hiware Bazaar Village of Ahmednagar District of Maharashtra" at Indian Veterinary Research Institute (IVRI), Izatnagar, Bareilly, Uttar Pradesh during 2003-2005.
Technology Generated:
Animal Health Information System (AHIS): A computer software in English Language on Livestock Health Information & Management for veterinary students & veterinarians. (2008)
Pashu Arogya Mahiti Pranali (HIS): A computer software in Marathi Language on Livestock Health Information & Management for dairy farmers. 2008)
Documentary on 'Importance of Disease Diagnosis in Farm Animals': For making awareness among the livestock farmer & Para-Vets regarding indiscriminate use of antibiotics. 2007)
Pashu Swatha Suchna Tantra: A computer software in Hindi Language on Livestock Health Information & Management for dairy farmers. (2012)
Patent/ Copyright:
1. Health Information System for dairy Animal (HIS): L-39083/2011
2. Animal Health Information System (AHIS): L 38726/2011
Commercialization of Technology:
1. Pashu Arogya Mahiti Pranali: Commercialized by Nimitya Enterprises, Pune, Maharashtra, India in 2013.
Fellowships/ Awards /Recognitions etc.:
Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) for M. V. Sc. Degree (2003-2005)
Senior Research fellowship (SRF) for Ph. D Degree (2005-2008)
Dr. C.M. Singh Award for Best Ph. D Research (2008)
Best Research Paper Award for M. V. Sc. Research (2005)
Best Research Paper Award for Ph.D. Research (2009)
Best Research Paper Award for Ph.D. Research (2009)
Certificate of Appreciation (2011)
Outstanding Participant in training program (2011)
Outstanding Participant in training program (2013)
Editor, Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development International (2013)
Reviewer, International Journal of Agricultural Rural Development (ARD)-2013
Member, Editorial Board, "International Journal of Computer Application &Technology (IJCAT)-2014
Expert for Post Graduate research evaluation at MAFSU, Nagpur, Maharashtra (2014)
Expert for Post Graduate research evaluation at IVRI, Izatnagar, Bareilly (UP) (2016)
Reviewer, Journal of Agricultural Extension Management (JAEM)-2016
Organized training program under ASCAD scheme for Veterinary Assistant Surgeon in 2015.
Organized two training program on Skill up gradation in goat rearing for farmers under RKVY Scheme in 2011 & 2012
Organized training program on Goat Rearing and Management for farmers in 2012.
Organized training program on Skill up gradation in dairy farming for farmers under RKVY Scheme in 2013.
Organized International workshop on Pain management in animals in collaboration with University of Edinburgh, (UK), The Corbett Foundation, Mumbai (MS) and CVSc., Rewa (MP) in 2015.
Delivered radio talk on 9 different topics related to animal husbandry and poultry farming.
Organized 10 Animal Health Camps at nearby villages of CVSc., Rewa (MP).
Organized various Farm and Home Visits, Animal Vaccination Campaigns, Demonstrations, Kisan Sangothis, Village Adoption Programmes, Farmer's Educational Tours, Institution Building etc. from 2008 to 2016 at CVSc., Rewa (MP)
Participation in trainings:
Participated in 21 days training on "Data Mining Techniques for Farm Animal Management" organized by National Dairy Research Institute (NDRI), Karnal, Haryana, India from 08-28 December, 2010.
Participated in 21 days training on "Information & Communication Technology (ICT) Initiatives for Inclusive Agricultural Development" organized by Tamilnadu Agricultural University (TNAU), Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India from 03-23 July, 2013.
Participated in 06 days training on "Managerial Skills for Convergence in Agricultural Extension" organized by National Institute of Agricultural Extension Management (MANAGE), Hyderabad, (TS) India from 24-29 August, 2015.
Scientific Paper published in NAAS accredited national journals: 08
Phand S. S. & H.P.S. Arya (2007) 'Adarsh Gaon Yojana' - Way towards Gandhi's Dream Village: Self Sufficient, Prosperous and Peaceful" Journal of Rural Development (NIRD) Vol. 26, (No-02) pp. 207-225.
Shahaji Phand & Rupasi Tiwari (2009) "Assessment of Information Need of Dairy Owners: An Explorative Study in Maharashtra" Journal of Community Mobilization and Sustainable Development, Vol. 04, Issue 2 pp. 4-9.
Rupasi Tiwari, Shahaji Phand & M C Sharma (2010) "Status and Scope of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) for livestock and poultry production in India - A Review" Indian Journal of Animal Science, Vol. 80, No 12 pp. 1235-1242.
Uday Otari, Shahaji Phand, D.S. Deshmukh & B.S Munde (2011) "Role Performance of Village Leaders in Dairy Development Activities" Journal of Community Mobilization and Sustainable Development, Vol. 06, No. 2 pp. 163-167.
Shahaji Phand, Rupasi Tiwari & M C Sharma (2013) "An information technology enabled "Animal Health Information System (AHIS): Perceptions of dairy owners" Indian Journal of Animal Science Vol. 83, No. 1 pp. 89-93.
Uday Otari, Shahaji Phand D.S. Deshmukh & B.S. Munde (2013) "Constraint Faced By Village Leaders in Dairy Development Activities" Journal of Community Mobilization and Sustainable Development Vol. 8(2), pp. 257-261.
Rajkumar Patel, K.S. Kadian & Shahaji Phand (2014) "A Comparative Study on Productive and Reproductive Performance of Crossbred Cows and Buffalos of KVK Trainee and Non-Trainee Dairy Farmers" Global Journal for Research Analysis (GJRA) Volume-3, Issue-9, Sept-2014.
Rajkumar Patel, K.S. Kadian & Shahaji Phand (2014) "Knowledge Level of the KVK Trainee Dairy Farmers and Non-Trainee Dairy Farmers in Satna District of Madhya Pradesh" Global Journal for Research Analysis (GJRA) Volume-3, Issue-9, Sept-2014.
Scientific Paper international journals: 01
S Phand, R Tiwari & H P S Arya (2007) "Dairy development through natural resource management-a success story of drought prone village in India" Livestock Research for Rural Development 19 (8).
Scientific Paper published in NAAS non-accredited national journals: 02
Mane B.G., Gadekar Y.P. Phand S.S. Ravi P. & Mendiratta S.K. (2008) "Trade in Livestock Products: Opportunities and Challenges for Long-Term Indian Interest" Livestock Line, Vol.- 1, Issue-12, pp.15-24.
Mane B.G., Mendiratta S.K. & Phand S.S. (2008) "Indian Meat Industry: Status, Safety and Trade" Processed Food Industry Vol.- 11, No-10, pp.21-25.
Books chapters
Phand S. S. & Rupasi Tiwari (2006) "Privatization of Extension Services for Agri-enterprises Promotion in India" Micro- Enterprises Promotion in Agriculture, Ambika Publications, Jaipur pp. 377-386.
Phand S. S. & Rupasi Tiwari (2010) "Entrepreneurships Development: A Success story of Hiware Bazaar Village of Maharashtra" Entrepreneurship in Livestock and Agriculture, CBS Publishers, New Delhi, pp. 113-123.
Shahaji Phand & Bandu Mane (2015) "Dairy Development in India- at a Glance" Outline of Milk and Milk Products Technology, Jakraya Publication, Pune (MS) pp. 1-20
B. G. Mane, Shikha Sharma and Shahaji Phand" (2015) "Processing of Milk" BOutline of Milk and Milk Products Technology, Jakraya Publication, Pune (MS) pp. 20-31
1. Lead Paper presented in conference/seminars/symposia: 01
2. Papers presented in conference/seminars/symposia: 10
3. Practical Manual: 05
4. Training Manual: 02
Extension Publications:
1. Book: 01
2. Booklets: 04
3. Leaflet: 08
4. Folder: 02
5. Popular article: 03
Professional Memberships
Registered Veterinary Practitioner under Veterinary Council of India (VCI), New Dellhi
Registered Veterinary Practitioner under Maharashtra State Veterinary Council (MSVC), Nagpur (MS)
Life Member, Society for Community Mobilization for Sustainable Development (MOBILIZATION), IARI, New Delhi
Life Member, Indian Veterinary Extension Forum (IVEF), Pondicherry
Contact Details
Dr. Shahaji Sambhaji Phand
Assistant Director
Center for Allied Extension Management (CAEM)
National Institute of Agricultural Extension Management (MANAGE)
Rajendranagar- 500030
Hyderabad, Telangana State
Contact No : 040-24016706 (Ext. 228 & 409),
Mobile : +91-7095779988
Email :,
Website :