Present Work
Dr. Sreelakshmi C from May 26, 2022, to December 31, 2022, served as a consultant at MANAGE in the Center for Agricultural
Extension Policy, Public-Private Partnership in Extension, and the International Center of Excellence in Agricultural Extension.
During this period, she was primarily engaged in monitoring and implementing the DAESI Programme in the states of Maharashtra and Jammu & Kashmir.
Additionally, she coordinated the International ITEC programme on "Computer Applications in Agricultural Extension" held at MANAGE
from September 13 to September 27, 2022.
Starting January 2023, she transitioned to the role of Academic Associate at the Centre for Climate Change & Adaptation (CCA) at MANAGE.
In this capacity, she is responsible for coordinating research activities, training, consultancy, and academic initiatives
- Ph.D. in Agriculture Extension & Communication from SKRAU, Bikaner, Rajasthan in 2022.
- M.Sc. in Agriculture Extension & Communication from Kerala Agricultural University (KAU) in 2018.
Details of Thesis work completed at masters and PhD level:
- M.Sc. Thesis titled “Technology needs and risks assessment of specialized home gardens’”
- Ph.D. Thesis titled “Attitude and Constraints Analysis of Rural Youth towards Agriculture as a source of livelihood in Rajasthan State”
Trainings attended:
- Experiential Training at Soil Testing Lab, Kurnool, Andhra Pradesh in the year 2015.
- Training on " Emerging trends in extension and social sciences Research " organized at College of fisheries, CAU, ICAR-NAARM, ICAR-CTCRI from 10 June 2020 to 16 June 2020.
- Training on "Extension strategies for doubling farmers income" at NAARM, Hyderabad from 7 June 2021 to 11 June 2021
- Training on "Analytical techniques for Impact assessment of Agricultural Technologies & Policies" organized by NAHEP-CAAST, ICAR-IARI from March 17, 2021 till March 27, 2021.
- Training on " Agricultural Extension for Agrotourism " organized by MANAGE, from February 16 , 2021 till February 18, 2021.
- Training on " Research priorities in agricultural extension " organized by MANAGE, from February 24, 2022 till February 25, 2022.
- Training on " FPOs and Sustainable Community Extension Models " organized by MANAGE, from March 09, 2022 till March 11, 2022.
- Training on " Social Media Skills for ext officers of Dept. of Agriculture " organized by MANAGE, from March 22, 2022 till March 25, 2022
Particulars of prizes, medals, scholarships, etc in Academic field
- Qualified ICAR-AIEEA 2011 for admission into Undergraduate course in Agriculture in and availed National Talent Scholarship during 2011-2015.
- Awarded Institutional fellowship for the Masters programme in College of Agriculture, Vellayani, Trivandrum.
- Qualified ICAR-Senior Research Fellowship (SRF) with in 2018.
- Awarded UGC-SVSGC for the Ph.D programme in SKRAU, Bikaner in 2018-2022.
- Cleared ASRB-National Eligibility Test in August, 2022
- Awarded for "Best Innovation- Navonmeshan " in Innovation Festival held in MANAGE on June 11, 2022.
- Awarded Silver medal (second position) for PGDAEM-MOOCS in MANAGE in 6 th convocation at MANAGE on 26, August, 2022.
List of publications (Research Papers):
- C. Sreelakshmi & Allan Thomas. 2018. Risk assessment in specialized homegardens of Kerala. Journal of Extension Education, Volume 30, No. 1 (a) : 6014-6018
- C. Sreelakshmi & Allan Thomas. 2019. Techno-socio-economic dimensions of specialized homegardens. Journal of Extension Education, Volume 30, No. 3 (a) : 6105-6112
- C. Sreelakshmi & Allan Thomas. 2021. Technology need analysis in characterization of dominant crops and animal husbandry specialized homegardens, The Pharma Innovation, Volume 10, No. 10 (b) : 474-476
- C. Sreelakshmi & Allan Thomas. 2021. Cost-benefit analysis of specialized components in homegardens of Kerala, The Pharma Innovation, Volume 10, No. 12 (b) : 573-575
- C. Sreelakshmi & Allan Thomas. 2021. Characterization of technology needs in aquaculture and miscellaneous specialized homegardens, The Pharma Innovation, Volume 11, No. 13 (b) : 1517-1518
- C. Sreelakshmi & Allan Thomas. 2022. Horizontal and vertical diversification of specializations in homegardens: A case study of Thriruvanathapuram District of Kerala, Asian Journal of Agricultural extension, economics & Sociology, Volume 40, No. 3 (b) : 71-76
- N. Balasubramani, P.Chandra Shekara, Samuel Praveen Kumar, C. Sreelakshmi and S.K. Jamanal.2023. Study on Impact of Mann Ki Baat Programme on Organic and Natural Farming. Journal of Agricultural Extension Management. Vol: XXIV, 1pp
- C. Sreelakshmi , R.K. Verma and A. K Jhajharia,2024. Construction of scale to measure attitude of rural youth towards agriculture as a source of livelihood. International Journal of Agriculture Extension and Social Development Volume 7; Issue 1; 2024; 240-244
Popular articles
- C. Sreelakshmi. 2021. ITK- Relevance in the present day farming with suitable case studies. Just Agriculture, 33(4): 65-67
- C. Sreelakshmi, Sharma, D. R. K. Verma. 2021. Smart Krishi. Krushak Bharathi, 12(4): 92-96
- C. Sreelakshmi. 2021. Trends in Homegardens viz a viz specializations in Kerala. Vigyan Varta, 2(10): 5-8
- C. Sreelakshmi and Verma, M. 2021. Multidimensional analysis of consumer behaviour towards horticultural crops. Agri Articles, 1(4): 13-16
- C. Sreelakshmi. 2021. Changing role of KVK in Agricultural development, Recent initiatives and Case studies. Indian Farmer, 8(9): 491-495
- C. Sreelakshmi. 2021. Agripreneurship in India : Challenges & Way forward. Vigyan Varta, 2(12): 56-61
- C. Sreelakshmi. 2022. Training methods for extension professionals, Agriculture and Food E- Newsletter, 4(1) : 20-24
Seminar/Conference/Workshops attended
- Oral presentation at International Conference on water resources organized by Dept of environmental sciences & Dept. of Geology, University of Kerala between 15-17 March, 2018.
- Participated in National Symposium on An interface between the successful entrepreneurs and the students organized by NAHEP-SKRAU, Bikaner on 06 Dec, 2018.
- Participated in National Workshop on Agricultural Extension: Time to Change jointly organized by MANAGE and CRISP between Feb 14 to Feb 16, 2018.
- Oral presentation at National Seminar on Entrepreneurship &Innovation in Agriculture for socio-economic empowerment of farmers organized by NAHEP and SKRAU, Bikaner between March 12-13, 2019.
- Oral presentation at ISEE- National Seminar Holistic approach for enhancing agricultural growth in changing rural scenario organized by ISEE, ICAR-IARI, SKRAU, Bikaner between Nov 14-16, 2019.
- Poster presentation at International Conference GRISAAS-2020 organized by Aastha Foundation between 28-30 December 2020.
- Participated in symposium Building Resilience against emotional contagion and Covid 19 organized by NAHEP and SKRAU, Bikaner on 19 th June, 2020.
Contact Details
Dr. Sreelakshmi C,
Academic Associate
MANAGE Center for Climate Change and Adaptation
National Institute of Agricultural Extension Management (MANAGE), Hyderabad, India.
Tel: 040-24594509
Mob: 8921810070
Fax: 040-24015388