Duration of one Training |
Minimum No. of Trainees / Trg |
Cost / Day / Trainee |
Total Cost on 1 Trg @ 15 Trainees / Trg |
Total Cost on 4 trainings / district / year |
6+1 (including 1 day travel plan) |
15 |
400 |
15 x 400 x 7 = 42000 |
42000 x 4 = 1,68,000 |
* Limit of Rs.400/-per day/per trainee is for District level training only if it is residential, otherwise Rs.250/-per day/per trainee is applicable.
Note: An amount of Rs. 400/- per day / trainee shall be incurred as per ATMA cafeteria & will be inclusive of;
1. Travel cost by bus or second class sleeper.
2. Refreshments / meals and stay during training.
3. Expenditure on training venue, training material and agricultural inputs etc.
4. Cost of honorarium and/or travel of the resource person.
5. Any other justifiable expenditure considering fixed cost on travel of youth, training cost should go down as number of day's increases or nature of refreshment.
6. Any participant refusing to avail boarding & lodging facilities may not be given cash payment in lieu thereof.
7. Likely expenditure or State/ location specific cost norms needs to be got approved in advance.